DWR to host webinar on applying for desalination grants
On Tuesday, July 2, DWR’s Water Desalination Grant Program will host a webinar to discuss the application process for $1 million in grants that are available for projects that desalinate naturally-occurring brackish and ocean water for potable water supply. The grant details and link to the webinar are available in the "Continuous Application Process" section of the Water Desalination Grant Program webpage. The grant application deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 18.
Studying California's trends in water supplies and uses
A study examining long-term trends of water supplies and uses in California has been published in the latest issue of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. The study used the California Water Plan’s water balance dataset to study patterns from 2002 through 2016. The data were used to determine how patterns change based on the available precipitation of a given year. The results indicate that changing precipitation directly affects the variability in California’s developed water supply and water use, but changes in policy, regulatory, and human behavioral patterns will also need to be considered in future assessments.
Anticipating extreme precipitation will be focus of symposium
Lunch-MAR webinar series gets an adjustment for July
Headwaters tour will explore the Lake Tahoe Basin
The Water Education Foundation’s popular Headwaters Tour will go into the Sierra on July 24 and 25. The tour covers the Yuba and American rivers, Tahoe and El Dorado national forests, and the Lake Tahoe Basin. Along the way there will be a chance to explore how wildfires have affected the supply and quality of California’s water.
California Water Data Summit to be held in San Diego
An opportunity to be part of the conversation and the community that is shaping the future of water data in California will take place Aug. 15 and 16, in San Diego. The annual California Water Data Summit offers a forum for engaging with new ideas and approaches to water data. This year’s topics will include artificial intelligence, data systems for water management, and data for planning uncertainties.
Urban Water Institute opens registration for annual conference
Registration is open for the Urban Water Institute’s Annual Conference. This year it is in San Diego on Aug. 21–23. Water leaders from throughout California will be delivering presentations on current water management issues. The conference offers networking opportunities and access to keynote speakers.
 The Splash is a weekly feature spotlighting topics from California Water Plan Update 2023.
California Water Plan Update 2023’s Roadmap to Resilience Objective 3 is: Improve Resilience of Natural “Backbone” Infrastructure. The resilience of built infrastructure is dependent on natural “backbone” infrastructure. To improve the resilience of natural backbone infrastructure, the recommendations are:
- Expand and Accelerate Ecosystem Restoration.
- Improve Resilience of Major Natural Systems.
- Improve Aquifer Management, Replenishment, and Resilience.
From these recommendations are 11 actions to implement, including employing nature-based solutions, managing aquifers as natural infrastructure, advancing strategies that halt or minimize land subsidence, continuing the restoration of the Salton Sea, and restoring ecological function and climate resilience in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
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