Printed copies of Update 2023, executive summary now available
Printed copies of California Water Plan Update 2023 are being made available by DWR. All requests must be emailed to the California Water Plan Team. Printed copies of the Update 2023 Executive Summary are also available. The California Water Plan is updated every five years, providing the State’s strategic plan for sustainably and equitably managing and developing water resources.
Proposals made to streamline food and water quality reporting
Initial proposals for requirements to streamline agriculture-related food safety and water quality reporting are outlined in a concept paper released by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The paper is part of a regulatory alignment study to evaluate opportunities to improve administrative processes and optimize information collected by the state. Webinars on the concept paper will be held May 29 and 30. Details are available on the study’s webpage.
DWR staff provide guest blog on achieving climate resilience
A guest blog on the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation’s website is providing insight on DWR’s work to achieve climate resilience. Written by members of DWR’s Climate Change Program, the blog offers a brief recap of DWR’s past, present, and future climate actions. There are also details on the new Collaboratory for Equity in Water Allocation (COEQWAL) project which will explore new possibilities for water management in California.
Assessing the climate change risk to critical U.S. infrastructure
A framework that assesses the risk climate change poses to critical U.S. infrastructure will be discussed during a webinar on Monday, May 20. Hosted by the RAND research organization, the webinar will feature the researchers who led this project. They will discuss their findings and their recommendations for protecting critical infrastructure and functions across the country.
IMPACT journal includes article on California Flood-MAR efforts
The latest issue of the American Water Resources Association’s IMPACT journal focuses on land and water planning and includes an article about the ongoing collaboration in California’s flood-managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR) effort. The article includes some of the events and developments that led to the creation of the Flood-MAR Network and how it identifies resources and opportunities to integrate with other programs. Access to the journal requires submitting a name and email address.
Webinar on maintaining drinking water data set for next week
Some of the ways to maintain and update drinking water data will be discussed during an Internet of Water webinar on Tuesday, May 21. There will be details on tools that can be used to create, collate, and update water data. The Environmental Policy Innovation Center is co-hosting the webinar.
Denver Water uses music video to promote summer watering rules
The staff at the Denver Water agency decided they wanted to have a little fun promoting the city’s summer watering rules. Performing as the Splashstreet Boys, they created a music video for their song, “I Water That Way.” While the video may remind some music fans of the Backstreet Boys 1999 hit, “I Want it That Way,” the staff hopes their version encourages people to efficiently water their gardens.
Fact sheet provides pros and cons of using artificial turf in landscapes
As landscape transformation programs grow in popularity, so do conversations about whether artificial turf should be considered as a possible element. The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) created a fact sheet to assist in evaluating the pros and cons of utilizing artificial turf in landscape transformations. In 2019, AWE released the results of a study that examined the effectiveness of various landscape transformation ideas.
 The Splash is a weekly feature spotlighting topics from California Water Plan Update 2023.
In 2022, Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-16-22 directing State agencies to take critical actions and address equity in all strategic plans and updates to create a “California for all.” California Water Plan Update 2023 takes this executive order to heart, weaves equity throughout the document, and dedicates a full chapter to understanding the inequities frontline communities face. Update 2023 encourages continued outreach and engagement with frontline communities, Tribes, and non-governmental organizations. Recommendations to move forward with equity include, establishing an environmental justice and equity advisory group to inform future California Water Plan updates, hosting a State-sponsored public environmental justice summit, and investing in next generation of community water leaders and operators.
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