Agenda set for California Water Commission April 17 meeting
The California Water Commission will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 17, in Sacramento. The agenda includes Water Storage Investment Program updates, the 2025 Commission Strategic Plan goals and objectives, and the status of water-related legislation. Remote public participation for the meeting will be available through Zoom and a call-in number.
Webinar to discuss maximizing federal funding for local equity
Join the Urban Institute on Tuesday, April 23, for a webinar to discuss lessons from communities that have directed federal funds toward inclusive recovery and equitable local economies. There will be a a presentation and discussion involving policymakers and practitioners from across the country about successes and challenges in directing funding to promote equity.
Climate resiliency to be addressed at data collaborative webinar
A presentation on the need for accurate water budgets and ways they support conservation and climate resiliency efforts will be offered by the California Data Collaborative on Thursday, April 25. The online event will cover tips for establishing water budgets, the resources needed to maintain water budgets, and the water budget experiences of three California water agencies.
Water Education Foundation open house to be held on May 2
The annual open house for the Water Education Foundation has been set for Thursday, May 2, in Sacramento. It is an opportunity to meet the foundation's staff and learn about the their work to educate and inspire understanding of California’s water issues. Admission is free, but RSVPs are requested by Monday, April 29. The event is being held in conjunction with the Big Day of Giving, which is a fund-raising effort for non-profit organizations in the greater Sacramento region.
SRRR workshop series to resume this month with water theme
The next Sustainable & Resilient Resources Roundtable (SRRR) online workshop will carry the theme “Water: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation and Resilience.” The workshop will be Thursday, April 25. It will be the fourth in a series of seven workshops on actions to meet challenges to sustaining life on Earth.
 The Splash is a weekly feature spotlighting topics from California Water Plan Update 2023.
At the state level, California’s water infrastructure is not able to keep pace with climate change impacts. At the water sector level, water supply, water quality, wastewater, flood management, natural ecosystems, forest and fire management, land use, and water-energy nexus are at risk and are expected to become more vulnerable with climate change.
Existing water supplies are expected to decrease by 10 percent by 2040, challenging many vulnerable Californians in accessing their human right to water.
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