Comments on proposed MWELO amendments being accepted
DWR is accepting public comments on proposed amendments to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). The proposed changes are intended to simplify and clarify the requirements of the ordinance. MWELO provides a standard for the design, installation, management, and maintenance of landscapes to use water efficiently without water waste. The comment deadline is Wednesday, April 3.
DWR releases guidebook, Funding SGMA Implementation
The implementation of groundwater sustainability plans requires a reliable stream of funding. A new guide from DWR offers information that supports the development of self-funding streams for plans to implement the Sustainability Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The document outlines common funding mechanisms available to groundwater sustainability agencies and provides a general approach that agencies can consider when developing a funding mechanism and rate structure.
Salmon habitats to benefit from Fish and Wildlife grants
A total of $50 million in grants has been awarded to 15 projects that support an array of habitat restoration projects across California. The funding, awarded by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, will cover several projects that directly support the recently released California’s Salmon Strategy for a Hotter, Drier Future. The strategy outlines priorities and actions to build thriving salmon populations in California.
California State Parks announces wildlife habitat grants
California State Parks is awarding grants to enhance wildlife habitats. Under the California Habitat Conservation Fund Grant Program, 19 local projects have been chosen to receive a total of $6.7 million. The awards cover several categories, including riparian habitat, trails, and wildlife area activities.
Report estimates ecosystem value of American River watershed
Two reports on the value of ecosystem goods and services in the upper American River have been released by the El Dorado Water Agency. An examination of working landscapes found the upper American River watershed provides more than $14.8 billion in goods and services annually. The second report evaluates the economic impacts, stemming from tourist spending, and the broader economic benefits supported by outdoor recreation lands in the area. Also available from the El Dorado Water Agency is the Programmatic Watershed Plan for the upper American River.
Water resilience framework released to help utilities
To mark last Friday’s World Water Day, The CEO Water Mandate, the Pacific Institute, and AGWA released the Water Resilience Assessment Framework: Guidance for Water Utilities. This framework is designed to help utilities thrive in the face of climate change and other uncertainties. The guidance document is part of a water resilience project that was launched in 2019.
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