Secretary Crowfoot posts video, sets drought webinar
California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot has posted a video explaining how weirs, during high flows, contribute to replenishing aquifers, supporting habitat, and playing important roles in flood protection infrastructure. On Tuesday, March 5, the secretary will host a webinar to discuss the ways California is using wet years to prepare for future drought. Webinar details will be posted on the Secretary Speaker Series webpage.
Water commission to hear presentation on strategic priorities
The next California Water Commission meeting will include the presentation of a workplan to map out how the Commission will set a five-year plan for its strategic priorities. Commissioners will also get a briefing on the State Water Project’s goals and areas of focus for the upcoming year. The meeting will be Wednesday, February 21, in Sacramento.
Comments being accepted on draft Delta area management plan
The Delta Protection Commission is accepting public comments on the draft Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan. The plan outlines long-range policies, goals, actions, and strategies for the area that stretches from Sacramento to Stockton to Vallejo with the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers at its heart. Public meetings on the plan will be held Feb. 21, in Walnut Grove; and Feb. 22, in Antioch. The comment deadline is Wednesday, March 6.
Workshop to cover screening process for forest health projects
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is hosting a public workshop on Thursday, Feb. 27, to discuss a screening process that identifies priority areas for forest health projects. NCRP has created a screening tool to evaluate potential projects in the North Coast region. The workshop is part of the process to select priority projects.
Sustainable Conservation releases interview, webinar recap
Sustainable Conservation is posting a series of interviews with groundwater recharge proponents. The latest interview is with members of the Turlock Irrigation District. Sustainable Conservation has also released a recap of its recent webinar series, Our Watershed Moment. The blog recap covers three webinars, each discussing a different aspect of water sustainability. Work on this spring’s webinar series is underway.
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