Network celebrates five years of advancing Flood-MAR
The Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge (Flood-MAR) Network is celebrating five years of advancing Flood-MAR efforts. The history is detailed in a new report posted on the network’s website. Flood-MAR is a management strategy that spreads flood flows onto available land to recharge aquifers. The report recounts some of the early efforts to promote Flood-MAR as a way to deal with groundwater overdraft in California and climate change impacts on water resources.
AEM survey project completes statewide data collection
DWR has completed the data collection component of the Statewide Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey Project. The data are being used to help achieve sustainable groundwater management by providing a better understanding of groundwater aquifer systems. The data can be accessed using online AEM data viewers.
Drought white paper to be presented to water commission
The next meeting of the California Water Commission will be Wednesday, Jan. 17, in Sacramento. In addition to updates on the Water Storage Investment Program, commission staff will present a white paper containing potential multi-benefit strategies to protect communities, fish, and wildlife from drought impacts.
California statewide land use data released for Water Year 2022
DWR has released the provisional statewide land use data for Water Year 2022. The data can be accessed on a number of online sources including the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data portal, the DWR Land Use Viewer, and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Data Viewer. The DWR Land Use Program works with Land IQ to produce the comprehensive spatial land use database.
Coastal erosion control grants available from State Parks
Forum on nature-based solutions to be held in Washington, DC
A national policy forum on nature-based solutions will be held Feb. 7 and 8, in Washington, DC. The event will look into the potential of nature-based solutions for infrastructure development, climate change solutions, and community revitalization. It will also identify major obstacles to implementing nature-based solutions.
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