Dianne Feinstein: Remembering an Architect of the Delta NHA
California lost a trailblazer and respected public servant in 2023 when U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein died in September at age 90.
Feinstein collaborated with U.S. Rep. John Garamendi for a decade on the creation of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area (NHA).
On Feb. 12, 2019, her tireless work was rewarded when the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved the John Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, which included a provision designating the Delta NHA.
“I'm proud that the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will become California's first National Heritage Area," she said after the bill became law. "The overdue heritage designation will preserve the Delta’s rich culture and traditions and ensure it remains an economic engine for the region’s economy.”
We are truly grateful for Sen. Feinstein’s dedication to the Delta NHA, which would not have been possible without her.
Article Highlights Japanese Community in Walnut Grove
Home Sweet Home for the National Filipino History Museum
In our last issue, we reported that the Filipino American National Historical Society was seeking a new home for its Stockton-based museum because its lease was expiring at the end of the year.
But FANHS reported in December, happily, that the museum would be staying in its current location for two more years.
FANHS Museum 'Afternoon at the Museum' Speaker Series Is Available on YouTube
The Filipino American National Historical Society's speaker series is available on YouTube.
The channel has videos of events including Ret. Major General Tony Taguba's presentation, “Alaskeros - A Brief History of a Few Alaska Cannery Workers,” "My Father, the Photographer, Ricardo Ocreto Alvarado" by Janet Alvarado, and more.
California Museum Grant Program Draft Guidelines Released
 The California Natural Resources Agency released for public comment its draft guidelines (PDF) for the California Museum Grant Program. The public comment period ends Feb. 1.
The Museum Grant Program intends to solicit project proposals that assist the California Cultural and Historical Endowment with supporting services of California museums that undertake programs and projects that are deeply rooted in, and reflective of, underserved communities.
Approximately $27.7 million is available to fund projects in, or for, museums severely affected by COVID-19 and that serve historically underserved communities or students subject to Title I of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Written comments may be emailed to or mailed to: California Museum Grant Program, California Natural Resources Agency, 715 P Street, 20th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814.
The public may also provide comments during public hearings Jan. 23 and 25. Register here.
McKee Student Art Exhibition Approaches
Celebrate the arts in education during the 93rd Annual Robert T. McKee Student Art Exhibition, the country’s longest-running museum-sponsored student art exhibit.
This event features the work of student artists from kindergarten through grade 12. The show was first envisioned by founding patron Robert T. McKee, who aimed to encourage students by providing a public venue for their artwork. All schools in San Joaquin County - public, private, charter, parochial, and home schools - receive invitations to submit their work.
Artwork must be delivered to the museum Jan. 18, 19, and 20 - see details in the art exhibition guidelines (PDF). Exhibition dates are Feb. 1 through March 17, with an opening reception from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Feb. 3.
Docent Training Begins Jan. 30
Haggin Museum docents lead tours, guide visitors on the weekends, lead programs in school classrooms, help with special events, and more.
Participation in the Docent Program at the Haggin provides opportunities for continuing education and personal growth through field trips, training, tours, guest lectures, and a variety of social events. As a part of the team at a world-class museum, docents build a supportive community of colleagues and friends as they give back to the community through education.
Training for both history and art docents lasts 12 weeks, with classes meeting on Tuesdays at the Museum. Please contact the Education Department at (209) 940-6315 or for more information, or download the application (PDF).
Submit your event for inclusion in our newsletters by emailing
 A Feb. 20 Lifelong Learning lecture at Los Medanos College explores Prohibition and bootlegging in the Delta.
The Delta Protection Commission meets 5-7 p.m. Thursday Jan. 18 at the University Plaza Waterfront Hotel in Stockton. The agenda can be found here. |
Classes and Webinars
Los Medanos College Lifelong Learning Lectures
The Los Medanos College's Lifelong Learning Center's spring lecture series includes lectures by local historian and Delta NHA Advisory Committee member Carol Jensen and Delta writer Dan Hanel.
All of the following courses will be held at the College's Brentwood Center, room 308, from 1 to 3 p.m.:
- "Shipbuilding: Lauritsen, Fulton, Stevens and Hacker shipbuilders," Jan. 16, Carol Jensen.
- "Mystery of the Great Stone House," Feb. 1, Dan Hanel.
- "Death at the Healing Waters," Feb. 15, Dan Hanel.
- "Prohibition and Bootlegging: Delta Roots," Feb. 20, Carol Jensen.
- "Ghosts of Black Diamond," Feb. 29, Dan Hanel.
- "Beneath the Tangled Vines," March 14, Dan Hanel.
- "WWI and WWII in the Delta: Defense Industry, Military and Food Production," March 19, Carol Jensen.
- "Eastern and Antioch Electric Railway: Oakland Mole to Chico," April 16, Carol Jensen.
- "Movies in the Delta: From Steamboat Round the Bend to the Young Indiana Jones," May 21, Carol Jensen.
Enrollment at Los Medanos is not required, but you must register in advance at the Los Medanos College website.
Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Webinar, Jan. 25
Do you have an idea for a park, trail, or conservation project? Could you use help building organizational capacity for your outdoor recreation and conservation efforts? The National Park Service - Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program can help with planning, design, and technical expertise. Register for the webinar using this form.
For more information about the program check out this 2-minute video and conservation and outdoor recreation publication of services.
Museum Exhibits and Events
 River Crossing Dedication - Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture
Haggin Museum through Jan. 14
Yardley's People, Places & Things features the work of Ralph O. Yardley (1878-1961), who captured the mood of his times in his illustrations and cartoons, including three decades in Stockton. Publications that featured his work included the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, Honolulu’s Pacific Commercial Advertiser, the San Francisco Bulletin, the New York Globe, the San Francisco Call and the Stockton Record.
River Crossing dedication, Jan. 18 in Sacramento
The Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture is hosting a dedication to celebrate the completion of the River Crossing public art project, and pay tribute to the two women, Isabel S. Naranjo and Etenesh Zeleke, whose names were selected for the docks as part of this project. The event will take place 5-7 p.m., and light snacks and refreshments will be served. Register here.
Contra Costa Historical Society, Jan. 27 in Concord
Annual Meeting and Luncheon - "Balfour Guthrie. Brentwood. Boxed fruit: The history and importance of our East County land" is presented by area historian Carol A. Jensen. 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at Concord Museum & Event Center, 1928 Clayton Rd, Concord.
Chinese New Year, Feb. 18 in Locke
The Locke Foundation celebrates Chinese New Year noon to 4 p.m. on Main Street with dragon and lion dancing, martial arts and tai chi demonstrations, a bonsai class presentation and more. Learn more.