Delta Happenings
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In this issue...
- Highlights from Delta Residents Survey
- National Heritage Area in the spotlight
- Isleton Bridge turns 100
- Waterway Connections Initiative
- Bridge Operator Job Fair
- Two opportunities for leaders in the Delta
- Delta agency meetings
- Events: Veterans Day, Tamale Festival, Tree of Lights
- Harmful algal blooms report
Delta Residents Survey
First-of-its-kind survey provides insights into quality of life, sense of place, concern about climate, and feelings about governance among Delta residents.
A new survey offers insights from residents of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Among its findings:
- Respondents’ average residence time in the Delta is 24 years (page 15).
- Fewer than one in five residents have flood insurance (page 15).
- Three out of five say they are satisfied or very satisfied with their quality of life, though satisfaction was significantly higher among rural residents (page 15).
- The top-rated challenges to well-being in the Delta were aging infrastructure (44%), traffic (35%), affordability of basic needs (28%) and threats to public safety (28%) (page 36).
- Among seven environmental changes - droughts, water quality, wildfires and smoke, air quality, heat waves, floods, and sea-level rise - respondents were the least concerned about floods and sea-level rise (page 43).
- In an open-ended question, "Who do you feel best advocates for your interests in the Delta," the Delta Protection Commission was mentioned the most times among state agencies, local agencies and non-governmental organizations. Restore the Delta was mentioned the most among community-based organizations (page 56).
Researchers said one of the key takeaways of the survey is that "a high proportion of all Delta residents have shared understandings of the Delta’s importance and appreciate the Delta for its recreational value and scenic beauty.
"However, sense of place and particularly feelings of attachment and identifying with the Delta were significantly higher among rural residents, and respondents who identify as older age, White, higher income, higher education, men or homeowners."
The report continues: "This has important implications, as the “traditional” or dominant view of the Delta is not necessarily one that resonates strongly with the majority of the present population."
The survey was led by a research team drawing from the Delta Stewardship Council, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and Oregon State University. It was advised by a committee that included Delta Protection Commission Program Manager Virginia Gardiner and former DPC Executive Director Erik Vink.
National Heritage Area Takes Center Stage
 The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area took center stage on Oct. 31 at "Where the Rivers Meet" - the latest installment of the California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Speaker Series.
One of six speakers, NHA Coordinator Blake Roberts highlighted the rich historic resources of the region, and the importance of investing in preserving those resources to ensure Californians can enjoy this history for years to come.
Other speakers included the Delta Watermaster, the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians, and the directors for the Delta Stewardship Council, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and the California Department of Water Resources.
A recording, show notes, links, and biographies are available.
Isleton Bridge Turns 100
 On Oct. 27, 1923, the Isleton Chamber of Commerce held a dedication ceremony to open the 624-foot, two-lane bridge serving agricultural communities in the Delta, and 100 years later, the Isleton Bridge still performs that mission.
The Isleton Bridge is a double-leafed draw bridge with steel roadway sections that draw up and away from each other to allow ships to pass. This bridge type is also be referred to as bascule, from the French "balance scale," because the bridge uses counterweights to open and close the moveable sections.
State Sen. Bill Dodd and Assemblymember Lori Wilson issued a proclamation (PDF) making Oct. 27, 2023, “Isleton Bridge Day.”
Bridge Operator Job Fair: Nov. 15
Love being out on the water? Do you enjoy removing obstacles to help others make their way through life?
The Sacramento County Department of Transportation is holding a Bridge Operator job fair from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the Jean Harvie Community Center, 14273 River Road, Walnut Grove.
Learn more here.
Comment on Waterway Connections Initiative - Nov. 17 Deadline
The California Department of Parks and Recreation is accepting comments on its Waterway Connections Initiative Framework.
The goal of the initiative is to increase and expand outdoor recreation for priority communities - those lacking meaningful connection with the outdoors near California’s beautiful lakes, rivers, and inland waterways.
The Framework may include providing local assistance for eligible activities and projects through partner government entities. Potential partners are encouraged to consider projects implementing the Central Valley Vision, including recreation facilities such as campgrounds, picnic areas, and other public access infrastructure; public education and access programming that create and strengthen community connections with the outdoors; parks planning that engages communities; and strategic property acquisitions that improve public access, especially along rivers, including additions of parcels up and downstream of existing public lands.
In addition to commenting on the Framework through Nov. 17, interested parties may submit ideas for projects that might be funded through interagency agreements.
Learn more about the initiative and comment here.
Tribal, General-Public Reps for Delta Committee - Dec. 15 Deadline
The Delta Protection Commission is seeking applicants to fill two new seats created for the Delta Protection Advisory Committee. The committee, which meets in the evening every other month at locations in the Delta, advises the Commission on diverse interests in the Delta.
The new members, likely to be appointed in January, will serve terms that expire in 2027. The application deadline is Dec. 15.
Up-and-Coming Delta Leaders - Nov. 17 Deadline
Nominations/applications for the 2024 Delta Leadership Program are open through Nov. 17.
A joint project of the Delta Protection Commission and Delta Leadership Foundation, this program grows the Delta's pool of leaders with a series of intensive seminars that build the skills, knowledge, and relationships that are hallmarks of successful leaders.
Delta Agency meetings
Not sure which Delta agency is which? This fact sheet explains the missions and roles of the Delta Protection Commission, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy and the Delta Stewardship Council.
Community and Regional Events
Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 8-9: Food-Webs Workshop - Delta Independent Science Board workshop includes presentations from scientists, managers, and stakeholders with experience in food-web dynamics, ecology, and more. 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. both days, online or in person at Tsakopoulos Library Galleria, 828 I Street, Sacramento.
Thursday, Nov. 9: Town Halls with Tim - monthly Q&A series with Brentwood City Manager Tim Ogden. 5:30-6:30 p.m. in City Council chambers, 150 City Park Way.
Saturday, Nov. 11:
Veterans Day Ceremonies:
Antioch: 8 a.m. pancake breakfast at Antioch Veterans Memorial, 9:30 a.m. ceremony, 11 a.m. parade.
Brentwood: 10:30 a.m. at Veterans Park - speakers, vocalist, tribute including rifle salute.
Oakley: 11 a.m. at Civic Center Plaza - Freedom High School Band performance, speakers.
The Longest Day Alzheimer’s 5K Walk & Run - DJ and food trucks. Participants get T-shirt, medal and a glass of wine. Campos Family Vineyards in Byron, 9 a.m. (check in is 1-5 p.m. Nov. 10).
Nov. 17: Brentwood Police Activities League Tamale Festival - food, music and live auction and raffle items. Proceeds benefit “Shop with a Cop” program. Brentwood Community Center, 5-10 p.m.
Nov. 30: Delta Invasive Species Symposium - Making Connections: Understanding Connectivity in an Invaded Estuary. 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
Various nights through Dec. 8: Annual Tree of Lights sponsored by Hospice East Bay - ceremonies around the East Bay that provide opportunities for family and friends to honor loved ones.
Saturdays and Sundays: Crane Tour - free, guided tour of cranes and other winter birds at the Woodbridge Ecological Reserve near Lodi. Registration is required because tour spots are limited, and visitors need a CDFW Lands Pass, or current hunting or fishing license.
Harmful Algal Blooms Report
There is still a Harmful Algal Bloom danger advisory at Contra Loma Reservoir at Regional Park. STAY OUT OF THE WATER. KEEP PETS OUT OF THE WATER, AND DO NOT LET THEM EAT SCUM FROM THE SHORE. DO NOT EAT SHELLFISH FROM THE RESERVOIR.
There have been visual observations (same precautions apply):
- Three Mile Slough near San Joaquin River
- Fisherman's Cut near San Joaquin River
- False River near Oakley
- Old River near Frank's Tract near Terminous
- Old River near Quimby Island
- Holland Cut near Frank's Tract
- Middle River near Mildred Island
- Victoria Canal near Union Point
- West Canal at Clifton Court Intake
- Old River at Clifton Court Intake
This information may change after the release of this notice. Check for updated information at the HAB Reports Map.
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