SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California State Parks is seeking public input on the future of Seacliff and New Brighton State Beaches to help protect these beaches from the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise and extreme weather. In the initial phase of public engagement, members of the public are invited to participate in an online survey to share information on preferred recreational activities and what they value when visiting the parks.
The historic storms that impacted California’s communities this past winter and damaged Seacliff and New Brighton State Beaches are evidence of a new reality the state’s shoreline faces because of climate change. As State Parks develops plans to restore services and amenities for visitors, providing climate-resilient facilities will be a critical consideration.
Public engagement will be key to the success of these efforts, as State Parks studies potential consequences and finds solutions to ensure future enjoyment of these parks.
The public outreach and engagement launched today are part of the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Alternatives Study, which is analyzing the parks in the context of climate change and sea level rise. The study, expected to be completed in 2024, will evaluate options and opportunities moving forward.
The public can participate in the online survey at The survey is confidential and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
Information on future public engagement opportunities and project updates will be shared on social media and by email. Sign up to receive updates and view social media links at
The recovery process is supported by Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks. Through their unique position as operating partners with State Parks, the nonprofit has established the Seacliff State Beach Recovery Fund ( The fund provides short-term support, followed by investments in long-term recovery work to ensure public access and environmental protection at Seacliff State Beach. To date, the fund has raised $98,558 from 184 donors across the country.