Two Water Plan RMS workshops scheduled for September
The California Water Plan team has scheduled two virtual workshops in September to cover three resource management strategies (RMSes) that will support California Water Plan Update 2023. On Wednesday, Sept. 13, the workshop will cover the draft Desalination RMS. The following week, on Thursday, Sept. 21, the draft Conjunctive Use RMS and the draft Recharge Area RMS will be discussed. The workshops will serve as a venue for interested parties to provide input on the draft content and recommendations.
Urban Water Management Plan report released by DWR
DWR has released the Status of 2020 Urban Water Management Plans (UWMPs). This is part of a series of reports submitted to the Legislature every five years to summarize the status of the latest UWMP submittals. The findings of the report show that most urban water suppliers are becoming more water efficient while demonstrating resiliency to drought and catastrophic events.
An offer to pay Delta farmers for flooding some of their land
Online survey to help shape future of Urban Water Institute
The Urban Water Institute (UWI) has posted an online survey to get input on shaping the future of the organization Those who complete the survey by Aug. 10, will be entered in a drawing an Amazon gift card. The winner will be announced at this month’s UWI conference in San Diego.
Strategy session will explore accessing NOAA funding
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Resilience Regional Challenge is making $575 million in funding available to strengthen coastal resilience against the effects of climate change. On Monday, Aug. 7, California climate leaders will provide a virtual strategic working session for those considering applying for the funding. NOAA will be accepting letters of intent from applicants through Monday, Aug. 24. Full applications for funding must be submitted by Tuesday, Feb. 13.
Caltrans hosting focus group workshop for transportation plans
Caltrans is hosting a workshop for those interested in participating in an external focus group for the California Transportation Plan (CTP) and the Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP). The workshop will be Thursday, Aug. 24. It will include discussion on how to effectively engage the public in determining the CTP’s vision and goals, and how to allocate State and federal funding through the FSTIP. RSVPs are requested by Friday. Aug. 18.
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