DWR director to present at Urban Water Institute Conference
DWR Director Karla Nemeth will be among the presenters at this year’s Urban Water Institute Conference. She will be part of a panel discussing the water lessons that have been learned in California over the last 30 years, including the things that we can and cannot control. The Urban Water Institute provides non-partisan information to the water resource industry, with emphasis on elements that affect consumers and the general economy. The conference runs Aug. 23–25, in San Diego.
Wraps taken off of new DWR Land Use Gallery
DWR has unveiled a new Land Use Gallery. It is a collection of ArcGIS Web apps to provide information on land use survey inventories, land use data downloads in GIS format, and statewide crop mapping dashboards for certain water years. The gallery was developed by DWR’s Land and Water Use Program.
Workbook being offered for this month's drought workshops
The California Water Commission has issued a workbook for use at three online workshops this month. The workshops will focus on preparing for a drought during non-drought years. The workshops will be offered, in English and Spanish, on July 19, July 25, and July 27.
Call for public comment on draft seawater desalination report
As part of California’s all-of-the-above strategy to address an anticipated 10 percent reduction in its water supply by 2040, the State Water Resources Control Board, in coordination with multiple State agencies has released for public comment a draft report on expediting permitting for seawater desalination projects. The Water Board is hosting an informational webinar on the draft report on the draft report this Friday, July 21, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., and accepting public comments until 12 p.m. on Friday, July 28.
September dates chosen for FMA Annual Conference
This year’s Floodplain Management Association (FMA) Annual Conference will run Sept. 5–8, in Los Angeles. The conference provides panel discussions, workshops, and field trips that cover the latest strategies, tools, and technologies in floodplain and flood risk management. Discounted registration fees are available through Sunday, Aug. 6 |
Stanford to host this year's California Water Data Summit
Stanford University has been chosen as the site for this year’s California Water Data Summit. The event will run Sept. 7 and 8. The agenda is still in development, and the event is designed to encourage collaboration and provide opportunities to engage with new ideas and approaches to water data.
The Internet of Water: Automating Land and Water Data Integration for Future Planning and Informed Decision-Making
The Internet of Water Coalition is hosting a webinar by the American Planning Association Water and Planning Network scheduled for July 21, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. Click here to register.
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