Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Closing Some Visitor Areas This Summer for Habitat Improvement and Related Construction
The Gray Lodge Wildlife Area in Butte County will close some visitor areas on its west side starting this month to accommodate wetland habitat work and related construction.
The ponds along the Flyway Loop Trail, a year-round hiking trail between Parking Lots 14 and 18, will be enhanced this summer. The related heavy construction work will force the closure of portions of the hiking trail, viewing hides, and Parking Lot 18 itself starting in mid-July and continuing through early September. Visitors might also encounter occasional roadway blockages and impediments during this period. Renovations will improve water management, wildlife habitat, and the visitor experience.
Construction delays could impact the timing of reopening, but work is expected to conclude no later than the first week in September, restoring full public access in time for birdwatching during peak fall and winter migrations. For questions or additional information, please contact the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area directly at (530) 846-7500.
The Gray Lodge Wildlife Area is one of California’s most popular wildlife areas, hosting more than 100,000 visitors each year. This habitat work is being funded through a million-dollar North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant (Wetlands of the Sac Valley, Phase IV) in partnership with the California Waterfowl Association. The Gray Lodge Wildlife Area portion of the project budget is $115,000.