Delta Happenings
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In this issue...
- Delta Protection Commission meets this week
- Interactive map of Delta land use unveiled
- Delta breakouts for new reports on rural well-being, waterfowl populations
- Nominate a Delta Champion
- Pear Fair, free kids' fishing camps, annual Buddhist festival and more community events
- New harmful algal bloom reported
It's getting HOT out there
 New state resource for coping with extreme heat unveiled
Gov. Gavin Newsom's office unveiled a new website last week to help Californians cope with extreme temperatures. There is both an English version of the site and a Spanish version, and it will soon be available in 10 Asian languages.
The site is part of a two-year $20 million campaign that focuses on heat-sensitive groups at highest risk, including those 65 years of age or older, workers, and individuals with chronic illness, disabilities or who are pregnant.
 New Land Use Gallery features a host of interactive maps of the Delta
The Department of Water Resources last week released its Land Use Gallery, a series of interactive features about land use in California, with one dedicated to the Delta.
Viewers can look at changes in land use by moving a slider on various maps to the left or right, graphically showing changes such as a decrease in pasture land, increase in fruit and nut trees and relative stability in vineyards.
Rural Well-Being Report Issued
A new report by Measure of America details the well-being of rural Californians, exploring health, education and income.
Rural California's averages are well below the statewide averages. But in all three areas measured, the Delta fared better than the rural statewide averages, and in one area - income - it fared better than the statewide overall average.
Delta Ducks on the Upswing
 Photo by Wayne Tilcock, © California Waterfowl, used with permission
California's breeding population of wild ducks grew 30% this year, according to a new report by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, with birds flocking to noticeably wetter habitat in the wake of extreme winter and spring precipitation.
While the Delta is not California's biggest waterfowl breeding ground, growth in duck numbers in the region in late April exceeded statewide averages: Mallard numbers were up 34% in the Delta, compared with 13% statewide, and gadwall increased 50%, compared with 16% statewide.
Abundant rains may improve habitat, but the report notes that the lack of adequate upland nesting and brood-rearing habitat throughout California will continue to drive the decline of local breeding duck populations. The state has several programs that incentivize landowners to provide nesting and brood habitat.
Delta Meetings
All agendas will be posted at the provided links at least 10 day prior to the meeting dates, which are noted in bold.
Delta Protection Commission
Delta Conservancy Board
Delta Stewardship Council
Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee
Delta Independent Science Board
Delta Champion Nominations Due
Deadline is Monday, July 31
The Delta Regional Foundation is still accepting nominations for the 2023 Delta Champion Awards. Recognizing the best in Delta achievement, the awards will honor recipients in five categories, including promotion, preservation, and improvement of the region. Complete descriptions of the categories are here. Nominations should be accompanied by a letter of support.
Community Events
 Saturday, July 22: Sidewalk Saturday in Rio Vista on North 2nd Street, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday, July 20 and 27: The Brannan Island State Recreation Area is offering a free fishing camp for kids from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, July 30: The Courtland Pear Fair returns to celebrate the pear harvest.
Saturday, Aug. 5: The 2023 Buddhist Church of Stockton Annual Festival & Bon Odori will be held at the Buddhist Church of Stockton.
Saturday, Aug. 5: Taste of the Delta brings beer, wine, food, music and an auction to the Windmill Cove Resort and Marina in Stockton from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 12: The Multicultural Festival at Williamson Ranch Park runs from noon to 5 p.m. and features live performances, local vendors, a kids' zone and more.
Numerous dates through September: Yolo Basin Foundation Bat Talks and Walks in the evenings at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area (time varies).
 Harmful Algal Blooms Report
There is still a Harmful Algal Bloom caution at Delta Coves on Bethel Island, and blooms have been observed at Contra Loma Reservoir in Antioch and Brookside Lake (I-5 at March Lane) in Stockton. People are advised to stay away from algae and scum in the water. Do NOT let pets go in the water, drink the water, or eat scum on the shore. Keep children away from algae. Do not eat shellfish from this waterbody.
This information may change after the release of this notice. To check for the most updated information including other alert levels in the Delta, visit the HAB Incident Reports Map.
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Delta Protection Commission 2101 Stone Blvd Suite 200, West Sacramento, CA 95691
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