Flood-MAR pilot study on agenda for Lunch-MAR webinar
A floodplain restoration and recharge pilot study conducted by the DWR Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge (Flood-MAR) program will be discussed at the next Lunch-MAR webinar. The study used newly developed workflows to compare benefits and implementation costs of conceptual restoration designs for potential habitat and recharge projects. The Lunch-MAR webinar will be Wednesday, May 3.
DWR and NAWI offering support for desalination projects
DWR has chosen three projects to receive funding through its Water Desalination Grant Program. A total of $5 million dollars will fund projects in Mendocino, Fresno, and Los Angeles counties. The grant program supports construction and design of pilot projects that desalinate naturally occurring brackish water and ocean water for use as a potable water supply. DWR is also collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) to support six projects that will pilot breakthrough technologies to reduce energy demand and costs for desalination projects. These six projects will receive cost share funding from DWR.
Strategic Growth Council developing Tribal assistance program
Provisional statewide land use data for 2021 released by DWR
DWR’s Land Use program has released provisional statewide land use data for Water Year 2021. The information is available on the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data portal and DWR’s Land Use Viewer. The data can be used to develop water use estimates for statewide and regional planning efforts. The final, official version of the dataset will be released by the first quarter of next year.
Water commission staff serve as IMPACT guest editors
Staff from the California Water Commission have served as guest editors for the two latest issues of the American Water Resources Association’s IMPACT magazine. The two editions take a look at prolonged drought in California. The first issue, published in February, focuses on water scarcity issues confronting the state. The second issue, published last week (April 20), focuses on drought response and considers the options for adaptation.
Solutions in Our Soil webinar series continues next week
Sustainable Conservation’s spring webinar series continues Wednesday, May 3, with a presentation on the soil-water nexus. A panel of experts will discuss the latest research and policies related to the connection between soils and water. This will be the second seminar under the spring theme of “Solutions in Our Soil.”
Showcasing projects that demonstrate partnership with nature
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering With Nature initiative is looking for project submissions to be included in the upcoming book, Engineering With Nature: An Atlas, Volume 3. It is an opportunity to showcase engineering projects that demonstrate partnership with nature and deliver solutions with a diverse range of economic, environmental, and social benefits. The entry deadline is Monday, May 15.
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