Delta Happenings
Your Delta Updates
In this issue...
- Learn about the Delta NHA
- Join the Delta NHA Advisory Committee Meeting
- Take the Delta Residents Survey
- Attend the Delta Independent Science Board meeting
- Participate in the Delta Stewardship Council meeting
- Check out the Integrated Modeling Framework Workshop
- Have fun at the Isleton SPAM Festival
- Find out about the Sacramento History Museum
- Discuss agriculture in the Delta
- Apply for Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program funding
- View the exhibit on Chinese pioneers at the Locke Boarding House
We have moved - Update your address book
The Commission has moved our office to a new suite within the same building in West Sacramento. Our office is still located at 2101 Stone Blvd, West Sacramento, CA 95691. We are now located in suite number 200 (previously suite 240). Please update our address in your contact list.
 The New Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Heritage Area
Tuesday, February 21 1 PM to 3 PM
Los Medanos College Brentwood Center 1351 Pioneer Square, Brentwood, CA 94513
Interested in learning more about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area (Delta NHA)? Los Medanos College's Lifelong Learning Center is hosting a series of lectures on the history of the Delta. The upcoming lecture will focus on the Delta NHA including its purpose, formation, and future. This lecture will be co-taught by Carol Jensen, local historian and Delta NHA Advisory Committee member, and Blake Roberts, Commission Program Manager. You won't want to miss it!
 Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 2 3 PM to 5 PM
Virtual meeting only; No in-person location
The next Delta National Heritage Area (Delta NHA) Management Plan Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 2. Join us for discussions about the Delta NHA Management Plan, Interpretive Plan, and more. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. The meeting agenda and materials will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
 Available Now: Delta Residents Survey
The Delta Residents Survey is live! If you live in the interior Delta, look for a invitation to the participate in the survey in your mailbox. The invitation letter will include a personalized link and QR code to access the survey online. All survey respondents will receive a gift card as a token of appreciation.
The Delta Residents Survey is aimed at bridging information gaps to better understand Delta residents’ livelihoods, well-being, priorities, and concerns for the region. Survey responses will be collected until the end of February.
 Delta Independent Science Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 15 10 AM to 3 PM
Virtual meeting only; No in-person location
Join the next meeting the Delta Independent Science Board (Delta ISB) on February 15. The Delta ISB will discuss its review of the Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Impact Statement, the Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement for the Voluntary Agreements, and more.
 Delta Stewardship Council Meeting
Thursday, February 23 and Friday, February 24
Meeting location TBD
Save the date for the next meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council on February 23 and 24. The meeting agenda and materials will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
 Integrated Modeling Framework Workshop
Tuesday, February 28 to Wednesday, March 1 9 AM to 4 PM
California Natural Resources Building Room 2-302 (2nd Floor) 715 P St, Sacramento Virtual option also available via Zoom
The Delta Science Program is hosting a two-day hybrid workshop to discuss the next steps in developing a modeling framework and virtual collaborative center to integrate science, data, and models to better tackle environmental management challenges in the Delta. The workshop will explore case studies, share success stories from other systems, and include presentations, panel discussions, and breakout groups. The outcomes of the workshop will include strategies for implementing the framework and virtual collaborative modeling center.
 Isleton SPAM Festival
Sunday, February 19 10 AM to 4 PM
Peter's Steakhouse 203 2nd Street, Isleton 95641
Come check out the 24th Annual SPAM Festival in Isleton! The festival will include a cooking contest, SPAM eating contest, SPAM toss, and, of course, SPAM sampling.
 The History of Sacramento's History
Tuesday, February 28 6:30 PM
5961 Newman Court, Sacramento
Spend an evening with Sacramento History Museum Executive Director, Delta Pick Mello, as she talks about the history of museums, the Museum's original mission of displaying artifacts, and the the current day mission of repatriation of artifacts - establishing a goal to modernize exhibits and become more inviting to the general public.
 Let's Talk Ag Meet and Greet
Friday, March 3 4 PM to 6:30 PM
The Catalyst 926 N Yosemite St, Stockton, 95203
Join Restore the Delta's "Let's Talk Ag" Meet and Greet on March 3 to enjoy some food and drinks while talking to other members in the community about the future of Delta agriculture and sustainability! This event is for farmer and ag-tivists to get together, network, build communities, and discuss. Pre-registration is required. Registration for the event will close on February 28 at 5 PM.
For more information and to register, contact Sara Medina, Restore the Delta, at
 Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program
Concept proposals are due by Friday, March 3
The California Department of Water Resources has announced the release of the Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program 2023 Project Solicitation Package for Multi-Benefit Projects (PSP). The intent of this PSP is to provide funding for public benefit for multi-benefit projects in the Delta and parts of the Suisun Marsh. Multi-benefit projects may include levee improvements, habitat enhancement, helping prevent salinity intrusion, protection of freshwater conveyance, protection of state and local and federal infrastructure, and/or protection of deep-water shipping channels.
 Chinese Pioneers: Power and Politics in Exclusion Era Photographs
February 11 through April 26
Locke Boarding House Museum State Park 13916 Main St, Walnut Grove 95690
Chinese Pioneers: Power and Politics in Exclusion Era Photographs presents a visual history of the social, political, and judicial disenfranchisement of California Chinese - as well as moments of Chinese agency and resilience - in the decades before and after the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. You can view the exhibition at the Locke Boarding House through April 26.
 Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Weekly Report
There are currently no HAB advisories in the Delta. This information may change after the release of this notice. To check for the most updated information including other alert levels in the Delta, visit the HAB Incident Reports Map.
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Delta Protection Commission 2101 Stone Blvd Suite 200, West Sacramento, CA 95691
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