Delta Happenings
Your Delta Updates
In this issue...
- Check out the Commission's 2022 Annual Report
- Thank Chuck Winn for his service to the Delta
- Join Thursday's Delta NHA meeting
- Attend the Delta Restoration Forum
- Take the Delta Residents Survey
- Participate in the Delta ISB meeting
- Celebrate Chinese New Year in Locke
- View the exhibit on Chinese pioneers at the Locke Boarding House
- Apply for the Sacramento County Arts & Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Grant Program
We have moved - Update your address book
The Commission has moved our office to a new suite within the same building in West Sacramento. Our office is still located at 2101 Stone Blvd, West Sacramento, CA 95691. We are now located in suite number 200 (previously suite 240). Please update our address in your contact list.
 2022 Delta Protection Commission Annual Report Now Available
The 2022 Delta Protection Commission Annual Report is now available on our website. The 2022 Annual Report highlights the progress we have made toward implementing our strategic plan (Vision 2030). This includes:
- Submitting 23 comment letters on land use projects for consistency with the Land Use and Resources Management Plan
- Tracking and providing input on activities related to the Delta Conveyance Project (Delta Tunnel) and Delta Levees Investment Strategy
- Supporting efforts to improve broadband deployment in the Delta
- Approving and implementing the Great California Delta Trail Master Plan
- Preparing the Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan
- Holding the 5th Annual Delta Heritage Forum
We look forward to continuing our work towards the protection, maintenance, enhancement, and enrichment of the overall quality of the Delta environment and economy.
 Delta National Heritage Area Management Plan Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 2 3 PM to 5 PM
Virtual meeting only
Join the Delta NHA Advisory Committee meeting this Thursday to discuss the Delta NHA Management Plan, Interpretive Plan, and more. This meeting will be held via teleconference and Zoom only.
 Recognizing Chuck Winn's Service to the Delta
Please join us in thanking Chuck Winn for his service to the Delta. Winn is retiring from his 8-year term as Supervisor for San Joaquin County District 4. In this role, he also served on the Commission and Delta Counties Coalition. "We are going to miss Chuck," says Commission Executive Director Bruce Blodgett. "He was a dedicated leader who was always ready to protect the Delta."
Winn has a long history in public service. He previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, Ripon City Council, and California Highway Patrol, where he retired in 2005.
At the last meeting, the Commission recognized Winn for his roles as an advocate for the Delta and dedicated public servant. Winn said that he is looking forward to spending more time with his grandchildren.
 Delta Restoration Forum
Wednesday, February 8 3 PM to 6 PM
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy 1450 Halyard Dr. #6, West Sacramento
Please join the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Restoration Subcommittee to provide input on and learn about implementing ecosystem restoration in the Delta and Suisun Marsh. Network with groups working on restoration across the region! This public event will be the first in an ongoing series. Registration info is coming soon.
 Available Now: Delta Residents Survey
The Delta Residents Survey is live! If you live in the interior Delta, look for a invitation to the participate in the survey in your mailbox. The invitation letter will include a personalized link and QR code to access the survey online. All survey respondents will receive a gift card as a token of appreciation.
The Delta Residents Survey is aimed at bridging information gaps to better understand Delta residents’ livelihoods, well-being, priorities, and concerns for the region. Survey responses will be collected until the end of February.
 Delta Independent Science Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 15
Meeting location TBD
Join the next meeting the Delta Independent Science Board on February 15. The meeting agenda and materials will be posed 10 days before the meeting.
 Locke Chinese New Year Celebration
Saturday, February 11 12 PM to 4 PM
Main Street Locke
Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit in the historic Delta town of Locke. Start by viewing the Lion Dance at noon. Stay for the martial arts and tai chi demonstrations, flower arrangement presentation, painting and calligraphy contest, musical performances, and cooking discussion. The event and parking are free.
 Chinese Pioneers: Power and Politics in Exclusion Era Photographs
February 11 through April 26
Locke Boarding House Museum State Park 13916 Main St, Walnut Grove 95690
Chinese Pioneers: Power and Politics in Exclusion Era Photographs presents a visual history of the social, political, and judicial disenfranchisement of California Chinese - as well as moments of Chinese agency and resilience - in the decades before and after the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. You can view the exhibition at the Locke Boarding House through April 26.
 Sacramento County Arts & Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Grant Program
Deadline February 7
The Arts & Cultural Nonprofit Recovery Grant Program supports COVID-19 impacted 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that are involved in producing, promoting, or participating in live performances, events, or exhibits intended for public viewing and organizations that preserve and exhibit objects and sites of historical, cultural, or educational interest. Apply by February 7, 2023!
 Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Weekly Report
There are currently no HAB advisories in the Delta. This information may change after the release of this notice. To check for the most updated information including other alert levels in the Delta, visit the HAB Incident Reports Map.
Send us your Delta news, events, or 'Delta Photo of the Week' submissions!
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Delta Protection Commission 2101 Stone Blvd Suite 200, West Sacramento, CA 95691
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