Delta Happenings
Your Delta Updates
In this issue...
- Be aware, be prepared, and take action in the event of a flood
- Join Thursday's Commission meeting
- Welcome the 2023 Delta Leadership Program class
- Participate in the Delta Conservancy meeting
- Attend the Delta Independent Science Board meeting
- Tune into the Delta Stewardship Council meeting
- Save the date for the Delta Restoration Forum
- Look for an invitation to complete the Delta Residents Survey
- Comment on the Delta Tunnel Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Learn about the Delta's history as experienced through photo postcards
- Celebrate Brentwood's 75th Birthday
- Provide input on the City of Rio Vista's General Plan update
We have moved - Update your address book
The Commission has moved our office to a new suite within the same building in West Sacramento. Our office is still located at 2101 Stone Blvd, West Sacramento, CA 95691. We are now located in suite number 200 (previously suite 240). Please update our address in your contact list.
 Be aware, be prepared, and take action in the event of a flood
More rain is expected through this Wednesday. Visit for information and resources on how to keep your family and property safe in the event of a flood.
If you need sandbags, the following locations in or near the Delta are currently open:
Contra Costa County:
- Antioch Corporation Yard, 1201 W 4th St, Antioch, CA 94509
- Byron Airport, 500 Eagle Court, Byron, CA 94514
- Knightsen Farm Bureau Building/County Agriculture, 3020 2nd St, Knightsen, CA 94548
Sacramento County:
- Wilton Fire Station, 10661 Alta Mesa Rd, Wilton CA 95693
San Joaquin County:
- Boyd Service Center, 520 Tracy Blvd, Gate #1, Tracy, CA 95376
- Oak Park Little League parking lot - 3545 Alvarado Ave., Stockton, CA 95204,
- (Former) Van Buskirk Golf Course – 1740 Houston Ave., Stockton, CA 95206
Solano County:
- Rio Vista Promenade, North Front Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571
- Ryer Island, Highway 220 and Ryer Road East, south of the J-Mack Ferry
Yolo County:
- Port of West Sacramento, 2895 Industrial Boulevard, West Sacramento, CA 95691
Note that some locations require proof of residency. Check the local agency's website to confirm availability and details before visiting the sandbag site. Watch this video from the California Department of Water Resources on proper sandbagging techniques.
For county specific resources, visit:
Contra Costa County Office of Emergency Services
Sacramento County Storm Ready
San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services
Solano County Storm Ready
Yolo County Emergency Services
 Delta Protection Commission Meeting
Thursday, January 19 5 PM to 7 PM
West Sacramento Community Center 1075 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento 95691
Join us this Thursday, January 19 at 5 PM for the first Commission meeting of 2023. This meeting will be held in-person at the West Sacramento Community Center.
The meeting will include discussions on the Commission's 2022 Annual Report, National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 consultation process for the Delta Conveyance Project (Delta Tunnel), and the Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
 Welcome the 2023 Delta Leadership Program Class
The Commission, in partnership with the Delta Regional Foundation, created the Delta Leadership Program to build and support sustained leadership development within the Delta community. The Program consists of a five-day intensive curriculum completed over the course of four months. Program participants are selected through a competitive process.
Please join us in the welcoming the following members of the 2023 Delta Leadership Program Class:
- Artie Valencia, Restore the Delta
- Austin Miller, Sloughhouse Resource Conservation District
- Barbara Smith, F&M Bank
- Chiles Wilson Jr., California Fruit Exchange LLC
- Cole Lauchland, KG Vineyard Management
- Elizabeth Ramos, KSN Inc.
- Gerry Goodie, Wimpy's Marina
- Jerred Dixon, Conservation Farms and Ranches
- Liz Kain, Sustainable Contra Costa
- Sara Medina, Restore the Delta
- Spencer Fern, Restore the Delta
- Wyatt Moore, East Bay Regional Parks District
 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Meeting
Wednesday, January 25 9 AM to 1 PM
Delta Conservancy Office 1450 Halyard Drive, Suite 6, West Sacramento, CA 95691
Remote meeting attendance also available
At this meeting, the Conservancy Board will discuss the Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Adaption Grant Program, Community Enhancement Grant Program, Delta Drought Response Pilot Program, and 2023 Implementation Plan. You can join in-person at the Conservancy's office in West Sacramento or remotely via Microsoft Teams.
 Delta Independent Science Board Meeting
Thursday, January 19 9 AM to 3 PM
Remote meeting only
On January 19 at 9:00 AM, the Delta Independent Science Board (Delta ISB) will discuss its review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Delta Conveyance Project, as well as updates on its other activities to help inform the Board’s work plan.
 Delta Stewardship Council Meeting
Thursday, January 26 to Friday, January 27
Meeting location to be determined
Join the first Delta Stewardship Council meeting of the year on January 26 and 27. A meeting notice will be posted 10 days before the meeting.
 Delta Restoration Forum
Wednesday, February 8 3 PM to 6 PM
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy 1450 Halyard Dr. #6, West Sacramento
Please join the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Restoration Subcommittee to provide input on and learn about implementing ecosystem restoration in the Delta and Suisun Marsh. Network with groups working on restoration across the region! This public event will be the first in an ongoing series. Registration info is coming soon.
 Coming Soon: Delta Residents Survey
A research team from University of California’s Sea Grant and California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) will be conducting a Delta Residents Survey to better understand Delta residents’ perspectives and needs. Data from the survey will be used to better understand Delta residents’ livelihoods, well-being, priorities, and concerns for the region to develop balanced approaches to policy and management.
Starting the week of January 19, invitations to participate in the survey will be sent via postal mail to all households in the interior Delta and a sample of households in the urban and suburban Delta. Survey responses will be collected until the end of February.
Please share this survey announcement with your networks and encourage survey participation. To learn more, contact lead researcher Dr. Jessica Rudnick at or (916) 902-6596.
Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement Upcoming Public Meeting
Note: The comment deadline has been extended to March 16, 2023
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (USACE) has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Delta Conveyance Project (also known as the Delta Tunnel). Comments on the Draft EIS are due by February 14, 2023.
The USACE is holding the last of three public meetings to receive comments from the public on the project and the Draft EIS. The meeting is being held on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, from 12 PM to 2 PM.
 Local History as Experienced Through Real Photo Postcards
Tuesday, January 17 1 PM to 3 PM
Los Medanos College Brentwood Center 1351 Pioneer Square, Brentwood, CA 94513
Interested in learning more about the Delta? Los Medanos College's Lifelong Learning Center is hosting a series of lectures on the history of the Delta. The lectures are being taught by Carol Jensen, local historian and Delta National Heritage Area Advisory Committee member.
At this lecture, Carol will share what we can learn about the Delta's history through real photo postcards. Real photos were printed on postcard stock and sent to families in Europe by those wishing to display their prosperity in the New World. Real photo postcards are a wonderful cultural archive items that capture the times and show what life was like back then.
 City of Brentwood 75th Birthday
Saturday, January 21 2 PM to 5 PM
Brentwood Community Center 35 Oak Street, Brentwood 94513
Join the City of Brentwood for a community birthday party celebrating Brentwood's 75th year of incorporation. Bring the family out for games, cupcakes, and the opening of the time capsule, and learn about the history of Brentwood.
 City of Rio Vista General Plan Workshops
Thursday, January 26 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Veterans Memorial Building 610 St Francis Way, Rio Vista 94571
The City of Rio Vista General Plan Update is an exciting opportunity to shape the future of Rio Vista. During the updating process, the City will gather input from the public and stakeholders to consider many topics including land use, circulation, housing, safety, and downtown design elements. This process will ensure that Rio Vista continues to thrive and advance as a small city.
The upcoming community meeting will focus on the three key Elements of the General Plan: Land Use, Circulation, and Economic Development. Come join in a meeting to help guide the future of Rio Vista!
 Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Weekly Report
There are currently no HAB advisories in the Delta. This information may change after the release of this notice. To check for the most updated information including other alert levels in the Delta, visit the HAB Incident Reports Map.
Send us your Delta news, events, or 'Delta Photo of the Week' submissions!
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Delta Protection Commission 2101 Stone Blvd Suite 200, West Sacramento, CA 95691
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