Delta Happenings
Your Delta Updates
In this issue...
- Prepare for flooding
- View recordings from the 2022 Delta Heritage Forum
- Plan to join the first Commission meeting of 2023
- Save the date for the Delta Restoration Forum
- Get ready for the Delta Residents Survey
- Provide comment on the Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Kayak at Big Break Regional Shoreline
- Make a piñata with your child
- View this week's HABs report
 Prepare for Flooding
With the recent storm moving across Northern California, we want to remind you to be aware, be prepared, and take action in the event of a flood. By planning ahead, you can help protect your family and neighbors, reduce damage to your property, and be better prepared to recover from a flood emergency in your area.
Start by visiting the Delta Flood Ready website for resources on how to understand your flood risk and prepare for flood. Create an emergency kit and evacuation plan with your family. Identify evacuation routes in your community.
For county specific resources, visit:
Contra Costa County Office of Emergency Services
Sacramento County Storm Ready
San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services
Solano County Storm Ready
Yolo County Emergency Services
 2022 Delta Heritage Forum Materials Now Available
The Commission held the 5th Annual Delta Heritage Forum (Forum) on November 3 in Walnut Grove. This year’s theme was Writing the Next Chapter in Delta Heritage. Over 50 individuals attended. The Forum featured 14 speakers on topics such as historic preservation, planning for America's 250th anniversary, writing about the Delta, arts and placemaking, environmental justice, and more. Thank you to everyone that participated and made this event a success!
The presentation materials and videos of some of the sessions are now available on the Forum webpage.
If you are interested in participating in the planning of next year’s Forum, please email Blake Roberts at
 Delta Protection Commission Meeting
Thursday, January 19 5 PM to 7 PM
West Sacramento Community Center 1075 West Capitol Ave, West Sacramento 95691
Join us for the first Commission meeting of 2023. The meeting notice and agenda will be posted by January 9.
 Delta Restoration Forum
Wednesday, February 8 3 PM to 6 PM
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy 1450 Halyard Dr. #6, West Sacramento
Please join the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Restoration Subcommittee to provide input on and learn about implementing ecosystem restoration in the Delta and Suisun Marsh. Network with groups working on restoration across the region! This public event will be the first in an ongoing series. Registration info is coming soon.
 Coming Soon: Delta Residents Survey
In January 2023, a research team from University of California’s Sea Grant and California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) will be conducting a Delta Residents Survey to better understand Delta residents’ perspectives and needs. Data from the survey will be used to better understand Delta residents’ livelihoods, well-being, priorities, and concerns for the region to develop balanced approaches to policy and management.
Invitations to participate in the survey will be sent via postal mail to all households in the interior Delta and a sample of households in the urban and suburban Delta in January.
Please share this survey announcement with your networks and encourage survey participation. To learn more, contact lead researcher Dr. Jessica Rudnick at or (916) 902-6596.
Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement Upcoming Public Meetings
Comments due by February 14, 2023
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (USACE) has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Delta Conveyance Project (also known as the Delta Tunnel). Comments on the Draft EIS are due by February 14, 2023.
The USACE is holding three public meetings to receive comments from the public on the project and the Draft EIS on:
- Tuesday, January 10, 2023, from 9 AM to 11 AM
- Thursday, January 12, 2023, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
- Wednesday, January 18, 2023, from 12 PM to 2 PM
 Kayaking is for the Birds
Wednesday, January 4 12 PM
Big Break Regional Shoreline 69 Big Break Rd, Oakley 94561
What better way to bird than by kayaking on the welcoming and wondrous waters of the Delta? Tandem kayaks, instruction, and all associated safety gear provided. Come by yourself or with a partner! Pre-registration is required.
 Put the Festy in Fiesta
Monday, January 9 4 PM to 5:30 PM
Oakley Recreation Center 1250 O'Hara Ave Oakley 94561
Although famous in and better known in Latin culture, piñatas have been a favorite tradition of many cultures. Come join us and learn how to create your very own piñata from start to finish from scratch. Once you’ve acquired the skill of crafting your very own piñata you’ll be able to reconstruct piñatas for all occasions.
 Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Weekly Report
There are currently no HAB advisories in the Delta. This information may change after the release of this notice. To check for the most updated information including other alert levels in the Delta, visit the HAB Incident Reports Map.
Send us your Delta news, events, or 'Delta Photo of the Week' submissions!
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Delta Protection Commission 2101 Stone Blvd Suite 200, West Sacramento, CA 95691
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