To: Shasta River Watershed Water Right Holders (sent to water right holders for which the Board has email addresses) and Interested Parties on Scott-Shasta Drought E-mail List
Today, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) issued Addendum 1 to Order WR 2024-0006-DWR, which reinstates conditional curtailments for water rights in the Shasta River watershed with a priority date of or junior to January 1, 1958. This means that the water right diverters with a priority date of or junior to January 1, 1958, which are noted in Attachment A to the addendum, may divert under their priority of right when specific conditions outlined in the addendum are met. Specifically, to divert under the addendum, water rights with a priority date of or junior to January 1, 1958, must do all of the following:
- Prior to diverting water, the water right holder shall consult with and receive confirmation from the Watermaster there is water available for diversion under their priority of right and that such diversion will not impact other more senior water rights holders. The water right holder shall not divert until the Watermaster has confirmed that there is water available. The diverter shall document such consultation and confirmation (e.g., save emails), and provide records of such consultation upon request by the Board.
- The water right holder shall notify the Watermaster and State Water Board when diversion commences, including the amount of water being diverted and any changes to the diversion amount.
- The water right holder shall cease diversion immediately upon notification from the Watermaster or State Water Board that there is no longer water available under their priority of right, such that continued diversion will not provide for the minimum flow requirement to be met or a more senior water right holder to divert under their higher priority water right. The water right holder shall provide notification to the Watermaster and Board when such diversion has ceased.
- When diverting, the water right holder shall check the Yreka USGS gage and Department of Water Resources Shasta River at Grenada Pump Plant (SPU) gage at least daily. Additionally, the water right holder shall:
- Reach out to the Watermaster and consult on flow conditions when flows at the Yreka USGS gage are at or below 55 cfs and flows at the SPU gage are declining. Water rights holders should reduce or cease diversions under such conditions to ensure flows are met and sustained at the Yreka USGS gage.
- Under no circumstances divert when the minimum instream flow requirement is not being met at the Yreka USGS gage.
If you have questions regarding this email, please contact staff by email to: ScottShastaDrought@waterboards.ca.gov or leave a message at our dedicated Scott River and Shasta River Drought phone line at (916) 327-3113.