Starting January 1, 2024, the City of Santa Clara’s minimum wage will increase to $17.75 per hour. Santa Clara employers doing business in Santa Clara will be required to pay each employee who performs at least two hours of work a week at least $17.75 per hour. The City’s minimum wage is adjusted annually based on the regional consumer price index.
Employers Required to Post Notices
In addition to payment of the minimum wage, employers are required to post a notice at the workplace of the current and prospective minimum wage rates and the employees’ rights under the City’s Minimum Wage Ordinance. View the 2024 Minimum Wage Posters for the Workplace at SantaClaraCA.gov/MinimumWage.
For More Information
Visit SantaClaraCA.gov/MinimumWage or call the City Manager’s Office at 408-615-2210 or email minimumwage@santaclaraca.gov.