The Santa Clara City Library looks forward to expanding the open hours at all three of its Library buildings beginning Monday, October 23. The Library will add 56 additional hours and open six days per week to meet the needs of the community at Central Park Library, Mission Branch Library, and Northside Branch Library. The Santa Clara City Library Bookmobile will continue to travel throughout the City of Santa Clara to provide on-site service to communities in need of library resources.
The Library’s priority is providing its most vital services to the community, including access to technology, the Internet, borrowing collections, and research and reference support services. The newly expanded schedule will offer increased access to the physical collections, public computing, printing and scanning stations, and in-person programming for all ages.
The 64 percent increase in open hours will include additional evening hours at Central Park and Northside, additional morning hours at our Mission Branch Library, and additional Saturday hours at all locations.
Library staff look forward to welcoming even more community members back into their buildings with the new expanded schedule. See you soon!
The Library does not have overdue fines, meaning any community members who wish to return overdue items to our collection will not be charged any fees.
Users who have misplaced their Library card since their last visit are welcome to visit any location to receive a new card at no additional charge.
During the past several years, the Library has improved several facets of our borrowing procedures to create a more pleasant experience. This includes upgrading our self-checkout machines and instituting automatic renewals so if you have eligible items to renew, they will do so automatically without any action from you! If you have items at home that you are not using, please return them so others may enjoy them.