SR City Connections: Spring/Summer Activity Guide | Highway 12 Closure | City Hall Blood Drive | HAWK Signal Survey | Recreation Scholarships | And More
The City of Santa Rosa sent this bulletin at 01/25/2024 05:30 PM PST
The Spring/Summer Activity Guide is Out; Plan Now for Camps, Swim Lessons, Rec Classes, Sports Programs & More
Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks announces the Spring/Summer Activity Guide, which is full of activities and events for everyone in the community. There are several popular programs that are expected to fill quickly, so browse the guide today to find swim lessons, day camps, health and fitness classes, tot programs, senior center activities, sports leagues, tours and events, and more. Registration for Camp Wa-Tam, and other popular camps begins at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 30, and registration for all other programs begins at 7 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 1. BROWSE THE GUIDE
What to Read
Highway 12 Closure Over Two Consecutive Weekends for Caltrans Paving Project
We want to hear from you regarding the preferred placement for the High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) signal to be installed at Piner Creek Trail and Fulton Road. TAKE THE SURVEY
Give feedback, share your concerns, and learn about the work in progress at the Safe Routes to School Task Force meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 31, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. GET INVOLVED
Saturday morning soccer classes for kids begin Feb. 3 in the Hub Room at Steele Lane Community Center. SIGN UP
Practice corrective exercises to balance your body in Back to the Core class beginning Feb. 6 at Finley Community Center. REGISTER
Join a compassionate and confidential support group for caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia beginning Feb. 7. LEARN MORE
Share your insights on how to address housing needs and homelessness in Santa Rosa. TAKE SURVEY
Did You Know?
Recreation Scholarships are Available and You Can Register for Programs with Your Subsidy
Recreation scholarships are available for income-qualifying residents to help offset the cost of swim lessons, some summer camps, lifeguard training classes, and the teen work experience program. Residents who qualify for a scholarship are provided with a subsidy to use towards the cost of registering for programs. Changes made this year allow residents who apply for and are approved for a scholarship to receive their subsidy directly on their Recreation & Parks account. The subsidy may then be used for payment when registering for programs online, by phone, or in person. LEARN MORE & APPLY