SR City Connections: New Sideshow Ordinance | SR General Municipal Election | Holiday Venue Rentals | Gun Buyback Event | Preferred Alternative Survey | And More
The City of Santa Rosa sent this bulletin at 10/13/2022 04:59 PM PDT
The City of Santa Rosa Moves Forward with Sideshow Ordinance
The Santa Rosa City Council is moving forward with a new Sideshow Ordinance, introduced at their Oct. 11, 2022, Council meeting, for sideshows, including the ability to arrest or cite participants, vehicle passengers, spectators, and organizers. Over the last few years, Santa Rosa has experienced an increase in illegal and reckless driving exhibitions on city streets. Sideshows involve activities such as drifting, burnouts, and donuts, and are held throughout the city several times per month, usually in the late night or early morning hours. Hundreds of participants and spectators converge on various public streets and off-street parking lots in both commercial and residential neighborhoods. At the City Council meeting on Oct. 25, 2022, the Council will have a second reading of the ordinance for adoption, which will go into effect 31 days after that on Nov. 25, 2022. READ MORE
What to Read
Wildfire Ready: Tips for Preparing to Evacuate Pets and Animals
Join us for a drive-thru-only gun buyback event on Sat., Oct. 22, hosted by the Office of Community Engagement and the Santa Rosa Police Department. LEARN MORE
Is your home rain ready? Simple actions have big impacts. LEARN MORE
Put on your Halloween costume and drive through the Santa Rosa Police Department’s Trunk-or-Treat event on Wed., Oct. 26. LEARN MORE
Get moving and de-stress from the day with Zumba, Yoga, and Core Fitness classes for adults of all fitness levels. REGISTER
Children are invited to join Rec & Parks and the National Academy of Athletics for Dodgeball Game Day on Oct. 29. REGISTER
Did You Know?
Your Preferred Path for the General Plan Update?
After years of research and extensive public feedback, the City of Santa Rosa is ready to show the preferred path to update the City’s general plan. This preferred path represents the input of thousands of people in our neighborhoods, communities, schools, businesses, and so many other groups who participated. Before the plan is presented to City Council and the Planning Commission on Oct. 25, the City needs you to tell us what you think of this path forward. Read the summary, then answer questions and interact in this special map-based survey to let us know how we can refine the plan and move Santa Rosa Forward! TAKE THE SURVEY