WEEK #1: Live Well San Diego 5K Fitness Challenge

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Live well 5k

5K Fitness Challenge

Week #1: Getting Started!

OK, are you ready? It's time to get moving!

This week is about getting started with a new exercise plan. Ease into your work outs and find places around your neighborhood where you can walk or run safely. If you're just starting out, its ok to mix in a short jog to your walk and adjust until you find a comfortable pace. Make sure you get your body ready to exercise with lots of rest and water! Don’t forget to connect with other challenge participants on social media and at our Fitness Meet-Ups.


This Week's Fitness Challenge

Days 1-4: Add 1 mile or +2200 steps to your normal routine. This is the equivalent of walking for about 20 minutes or jogging about 12 minutes. 

Day 5: REST

Day 6-7: BOOST - Add 1.5 miles or +3300 steps to your normal routine. This is the equivalent of walking for about 30 minutes or jogging about 18 minutes.

View Full Training Plan


This Week's Daily Training Tips:

LWSD 5K Fitness challenge

Day 1 - August 15:

Starting a new exercise routine can be difficult. But you are not alone! Learn why 30-day fitness challenges really work.

Learn More


Day 2 - August 16:

We want you to set yourself up for success. Ease into your workouts with these tips and learn how to get started exercising for the long term.

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Finding Your pace

Day 3 - August 17:

It's ok to start with a mix of running and walking and gradually build up to your goals. Here are 10 tips on how to find your starting pace.

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Get Your body warmed up

Day 4 - August 18:

Whether walking is your warm up or workout, here are some helpful ways you can walk more.

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rest and get ready to connect

Day 5 - August 19:

Rest is an important part of training, so enjoy a day off! We hope to see you tomorrow at one of our first Fitness Meet-Ups.

Group Run with Sirius Fitness - Sat. @7:15 am 

Ride On! Mtn. bike ride @ Sweetwater Summit Regional Park.

OG Yoga Class - View schedule and instructions

Get Social

Day 6 - August 20:

Can’t make the Fitness Meet-Up today? Use The Run Down App to connect with other local runners and explore new places in the community.

Learn More

stay hydrated

Day 7 - August 21:

True or False – we need 8 glasses of water a day? This article breaks down the most asked questions about staying hydrated and tips to make drinking water more fun!

Learn More

partner kogos
you got this

Helpful Links:

Register for the FREE Live Well San Diego 5K and Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run on September 18th

Follow us on our social media channels to get the latest updates and resources

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For COVID-19 information, visit:
