Love Your Heart Challenge #8: Eat Heart Healthy!

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February 8, 2017     l     14-Day Love Your Heart Challenge

Eat Heart Healthy!


Here are some quick tips to help you eat heart healthy:

  • Try adding more heart healthy foods into your diet! Fish, almonds, walnuts, oatmeal, spinach, tomatoes, black beans, and oranges all have positive heart-healthy benefits.
  • When choosing foods, think about color! The darker the green or the brighter the red, yellow, and orange, the more nutrient dense the food.
  • Research shows the most heart-healthy diet is a plant-based diet. Try limiting meat to only 10% of your diet and incorporate more nutrient dense fruits and veggies.
  • Cut back on salt and limit alcohol intake.
  • Food swaps, like brown rice instead of white, are easy ways to incorporate healthier lifestyle choices every day.

Love Your Heart Partners want to make it easier for you to eat healthier:      

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