Omnitrans will now provide discount fares to military veterans with valid ID & free rides to uniformed active-duty military, police, & firefighters.
Veterans are now free to move about the county at a discount
rate thanks to Omnitrans' new veterans fare. A 50 percent discount on all bus
passes (sbX, OmniGo, and regular bus routes) is offered to retired U.S. military
personnel with valid ID. Veterans can receive their Military Veteran ID card
from San Bernardino County Veterans Affairs, click here to access the
application at or
call 866-4SB-VETS.
“It’s our way of saying thanks to those who have served to
protect our freedom,” said Omnitrans CEO/General Manager P. Scott Graham,
himself a veteran of the US Marine Corps.
In addition, Omnitrans will provide free rides to uniformed
active-duty military members, police, and firefighters. Omnitrans joins other
Inland Empire transit agencies and over 1,000 businesses in San Bernardino
County that offer veterans discounts including: Victor Valley Transit Agency,
Mountain Transit, Pass Transit, and Riverside Transit Agency.
“This [fare change] will have a big impact on affordability
for our veterans,” Osvaldo Maysonet said. Maysonet, a Veterans Specialist of
211 San Bernardino County and former Marine sergeant who served in the Iraq
war, helped lead the new fare proposal after hearing concerns from fellow veterans
about the need for inexpensive transportation. “We have many vets in San
Bernardino County who are dealing with low income or no income. Access to
affordable transportation will connect them with education, healthcare and
employment opportunities and possibly help them to become taxpayers again,”
Approximately 175,000 veterans live in the county according
to San Bernardino County Veterans Affairs. To date, the San Bernardino County
VA has issued over 4,000 Military Veteran ID cards that help ensure veterans
are easily recognizable to area businesses that offer a benefit such
as a discount, a free item, or preferred status.
With a county-issued Military Veteran ID card, veterans no
longer need to carry a copy of their military discharge papers to prove their
Veteran status, nor do they need to go to the Loma Linda V.A. hospital to apply
for an ID card which may or may not be issued.
“This program has been beneficial to San Bernardino County
businesses and, most important, our veterans,” Bill Moseley, County of San
Bernardino Veterans Affairs Director, said. “We are grateful to all of our
local businesses who have shown their support of our veterans community.”
The ID cards also assist those who may be eligible for federal
monetary benefits that the VA helps veterans and their families receive. San
Bernardino County VA secured $85 million in federal benefits for military
veterans in the last fiscal year, the most of any county in California.
“The County of San Bernardino aims to ensure our veterans
receive the recognition, honor and support they deserve. Thank you to the organizations that
have stepped up to the plate and have shown their appreciation and humble gratitude
through these valuable benefits,” Supervisor Josie Gonzales said.
To obtain a Military Veterans ID card, visit or call 866-4SB-VETS. A list of the Omnitrans veterans fares are available at
this on social media.