All public roads serviced ahead of schedule
 San Bernardino County Public Works crews worked throughout the night plowing roads and clearing berms.
County Public Works crews succeeded in making all public roads in the mountains passable today, 24 hours sooner than they thought would be possible and only hours after the snow stopped falling.
"Passable" means 8 inches of snow or less and at least one lane open for traffic. Crews are now working on widening each road and plowing any remaining snow.
The public can track the County's progress on the Snow Report Status Dashboard,
Crews have been working around the clock since 9 a.m. Monday morning to clear roads. Public Works has more than 100 pieces of snow equipment deployed in the mountains. The County began positioning resources in the mountains and put crews on 24-hour spilt shifts on Monday morning for the duration of the storm and until roads are clear.
Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas both continue to report no outages in the mountain communities.
The County Office of Emergency Services (OES) is continuously monitoring the weather, coordinating reports, and implementing multiagency coordination calls.
The County is prepared to activate the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) to warn residents who might be in danger.
Take precautions
Another storm is expected to arrive on Tuesday. The County urges residents, especially those in the mountains and areas susceptible to flooding, to take the following precautions:
- Limit travel as much as possible. When you do have to travel, do so with caution.
- Maintain at least a two-week supply of food, water, medications, essential equipment, and fuel.
- Stay clear of moving water.
- Monitor weather reports for emergency advisories. Visit the National Weather Service, San Diego, for the latest weather information impacting San Bernardino County
- The TENS system is preloaded with all landline telephone numbers in the county. However, it is updated only every six months and does not include mobile numbers. To ensure you receive TENS alerts, sign up here:
- Check for updates and helpful information on the County’s Snow Information website,; on the County’s Facebook page,; and on Twitter and Instagram, @sbcounty.
 Food and supply distribution extended to March 31 in Crestline
The food distribution center located at the Crestline Library (24105 Lake Gregory Dr.) will remain open every day of the week through Friday, March 31 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or until supplies last. Acceptance of donations has been extended. To donate food and/or supplies, call 909-387-3911.
 Rim students return to school
A key sign of recovery in any emergency is the reopening of schools. After being closed since the start of the record-breaking mountain snow storms, Rim of the World Unified School District campuses welcomed students back to the classrooms today.
 No Snow Play on the Roadway!
The County is helping to keep nuisance traffic in check by promoting its No Snow Play on the Roadway campaign to discourage people from heading to the mountains with plans to pull to the side of a highway to sled, make snowmen, and throw snowballs at each other. The County will leverage billboards and social media throughout to make sure everyone knows that road-side snow play can be met with fines and towaways.
County Local Assistance Centers open this weekend
The County is establishing three Local Assistance Centers (LACs) to connect mountain residents with a variety of essential County, state, and private sector resources.
On Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., LACs will be in operation at Charles Hoffman Elementary School in Running Springs and Valley of Enchantment Elementary School in Crestline. On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28 and 29, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., a LAC will be in operation at Wrightwood Place in Wrightwood.
Dates and hours of operation could be affected by weather conditions. Please call the Storm Information Line at 909-387-3911 or check the County's social media platforms for updates.
Services will include building & safety, insurance information, assistance for seniors, public health, tax and property resources, help for veterans, snow removal and reimbursement, advice on hiring contractors, behavioral health, help for small businesses, transitional assistance, employment assistance, legal services, and general disaster aid and relief.
The County will provide food distribution at each of the LACs for as long as supplies last.
