Dear Friends and Second District Residents,
At the October 6th Board of Supervisors Meeting, there was a lengthy and passionate discussion about agenda item 3.3, COVID-19 Guidelines and Reopening Plan, which had previously been continued from the September 22nd Board Meeting. We heard length testimony and staff presentations on the topic, reopening considerations, potential at-risk funds and more. Please visit the Clerk of the Board website if you wish to read the agenda report and/or watch the Board Meeting video. After careful consideration, the Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to continue working our plan which was submitted to the Governor’s Office. The revised plan consists of advocating with the State for more flexibility within the State’s tier system and calling upon the State to issue specific re-opening guidance relative to wedding receptions and group meetings which is currently not included in the State orders. Community education programs and prioritizing at-risk communities will continue to be an area of focus as well. It was further determined, as discussed in the “Reopening Considerations” (Attachment C to the agenda report), that the County has limited ability to order the re-opening of businesses when the County did not order their closure or restriction. How do we order the re-opening of that which we didn't close? The State has the power to punish the County and businesses severely and revoke any State-issued licenses (such as alcohol (ABC), cosmetology, etc.) if we openly defy State orders. Under that scenario, the County wouldn’t be able to protect those who hold State-issued licenses nor could the County protect their employees (under OSHA). Nothing that was approved in the agenda item 3.3 goes against the State orders. We will continue to march forward with efforts to achieve the next tier and open more of Riverside County.
October marks the annual recognition for Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness which impacts millions of Americans every day (please see details below for the Support Sisterz Combat Cancer Walk). During these challenging and trying times, remember to reach out to those who may be in need and help them by offering professional resources or simply a shoulder to lean on. We are better together! Please join us on October 17th for the Combat Cancer Walk with the Support Sisterz.
The Riverside County Family Justice Center (RCFJC) is a safe place for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child and elder abuse. Please reach out to RCFJC when you want and need to talk about your options for safety, emotional well-being, and your legal rights as a victim.
The Riverside County Second District Supervisor’s office Staff are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to assist you. You can reach my office by calling (951) 955-1020 or by emailing and staff will assist you promptly.
I encourage you to stay connected by joining District 2 on Facebook @SupervisorKarenSpiegel or Twitter @SupKarenSpiegel and Instagram @SupervisorKarenSpiegel
I hope you enjoy this e-newsletter. Please reach out to my office if we may be of assistance.
Karen Spiegel Second District Supervisor
The “Blueprint for a Safer Economy” was unveiled by Gov. Newsom on Friday, August 28th, which includes a color-coded, tiered system that will use two metrics to measure the coronavirus: spread rate and test positivity percentage.
The tiers are designated by four colors: PURPLE (widespread), RED (substantial), ORANGE (moderate) and YELLOW (minimal with the lowest restrictions). Most counties statewide – almost 90 percent – are currently highlighted in purple, including Riverside County. Although Riverside County’s numbers are trending in the right direction, Counties must remain at each tier for a minimum of 21 days. Data is reviewed weekly and tiers are updated on Tuesdays. To move forward, a county must meet the next tier’s criteria for two consecutive weeks. If a county’s metrics worsen for two consecutive weeks, it will be assigned a more restrictive tier. The state’s new website will track the metrics, show an interactive map and list business sectors open by each county.
The State has added a new “Health Equity Metric” which will be used (along with other metrics) to determine a county's tier and ensure that the entire County is ready to move forward in the state tiers system. While the State's most disadvantaged neighborhoods are home to 24 percent of Californians, they account for 40 percent of COVID-19 cases. Each county's census tracts will be divided into quartiles based on California’s Healthy Places Index (HPI). This metric requires the County to ensure that the positivity rates in the County’s fourth quartile do not lag significantly behind the positivity rates in the rest of the County. The Health Equity Metric will be considered before the County can move forward in tiers, but it will not be considered if the County is in danger of moving back to a more restrictive tier.
What does this mean for Riverside County? We are currently in the RED tier. Our countywide positivity rate is 5 percent, and the positivity rate in Riverside County’s fourth quartile is 7 percent. To move to the orange tier, we would need a countywide positivity rate of 4.9 percent and a fourth-quartile positivity rate of 5.2 percent. Therefore, neither of our positivity rates meet the State’s criteria for moving to the orange tier.
As of October 9, 2020, the County of Riverside have had 61,133 confirmed cases of COVID-19; 55,594 recoveries; 1,247 deaths and 681,316 people have been tested. More detailed reports on Riverside County’s COVID-19 cases and data is available at
The Riverside County school waiver process will not be impacted by the governor’s new system. Schools can reopen on a widespread basis (without a waiver) once a county is in the red tier for at least two weeks.
Corona-Norco Unified School District
Per Corona-Norco Unified School District website, as of Oct. 6, 2020, Riverside County will have been in the Red Tier for 14 days, permitting schools in our county to begin a reopening process. Assuming our county’s health data remains unchanged, CNUSD is prepared to welcome the physical return of our students. The information and opening dates below are subject to change if we revert back to the purple tier and stay there for two consecutive weeks.
The first phase of CNUSD’s return to in-person instruction for our traditional/remote students will be for our Year-Round schools (Eastvale, Harada, Parks, Reagan, Rondo, and Vandermolen), Intermediate, and High Schools. The second phase will begin shortly after by our Traditional Elementary Schools.
The start dates for in-person instruction are as follows:
- Year-Round Elementary: October 26
- Intermediate & High Schools: October 26
- Traditional Elementary: November 9
*Academy start dates will follow Traditional Elementary & Intermediate dates based on grade level of the student. (ex: 7th grader at Todd Academy will begin Oct. 26 and 2nd grader will begin Nov. 9).
It is important to note: in order to accommodate physical distancing requirements, all students WILL NOT be on campus at the same time. School and student schedules will be shared with parents once they are finalized. Click here for more details from CNUSD.
Alvord Unified School District – Announcement pending:
Riverside Unified School District – Announcement pending:
Increased testing of those with symptoms and those without symptoms will help the county remain in the red tier, which allowed more businesses as well as schools and places of worship to reopen indoors. Late last month, Riverside County moved from the more restrictive purple to the red tier because it met the criteria for positivity and case rates.
Coronavirus tests for active infections slows the spread of the disease by identifying infected individuals who can then be isolated as well as their close contacts. This process disrupts the disease, slows the spread of the disease and preserves space in our acute care hospitals.
“Riverside County residents have sacrificed so much, and the improved data has reflected that sacrifice. But it is critical that the community continue its wide-spread testing,” said Kim Saruwatari, director of Public Health. “The testing tells us where the virus is spreading, and it also helps us continue our movement forward.”
Based on the state’s criteria, increased testing will result in a lower-case rate, allowing the county to remain red tier where the virus spread is considered “substantial.” Counties are placed within the red tier because of their daily case rate (must be lower than seven new cases per 100,000 population) and positivity rate (must be lower than 8%).
The state recently began adjusting the case rate higher for counties that are not meeting the state’s daily average testing volume, which brought Riverside County’s case rate above seven per 100,000.
While Riverside County has the volume to test 4,000 people a day, less than half that number have been getting tested at county and state testing sites in recent weeks. There are also mobile teams that support testing in specific communities, businesses or organizations by testing for one or two days.
Saruwatari said those with and without symptoms are encouraged to get tested, as well as younger people who traditionally have not gotten screened at the same rate as other groups.
Testing is free. There are 12 testing sites spread throughout Riverside County, both walk-in and drive-up services. To find locations and make an appointment, go online to For a list of COVID-19 test sites throughout California, click
The SCAC will be comprised of volunteer members who live and work in Riverside County and who share a desire to be involved in the support of our Department. This committee will look within the Sheriff’s Department and outside to the various communities we serve to identify ways to strengthen relationships, enhance trust, increase transparency and heighten the delivery of services to our citizens.
The SCAC will act solely in an advisory capacity for matters relating to community concerns and is not a review committee of any law enforcement action, whether internal or external. The SCAC will have no input regarding employee personnel issues and will not be involved in the Sheriff's Department decision making at any level. The SCAC will be driven by the participation of its members and is intended to reflect the community's viewpoints.
The SCAC will consist of approximately 15 to 25 community members from throughout Riverside County who represent a range of interests, experience, and all five Board of Supervisor districts. Selected members may be from diverse backgrounds, including, but not limited to health, faith, education and business professions and must be at least 18 years of age.
The role of the Committee Members shall include (but not be limited to):
- Meet on an as-needed basis to offer advice and opinions on current events within the Sheriff’s Department
- Apprise the Sheriff directly of community needs and concerns and law enforcement issues that are impacting our neighborhoods and rural areas
- Review and comment on programs to promote, aide and encourage community input; and
- Represent the SCAC at community events and assist in educating the community about the function and role of the Sheriff’s Department
Sheriff Bianco is committed to making a difference in our communities and is excited for the opportunity to partner with you. Deadline for application submission is 5:00pm, Friday, October 16, 2020. Click here to apply!
In accordance with State Law, the Riverside County Registrar of Voters will be deploying a new election model for the upcoming November 3, 2020, General Election. Citizens are encouraged to watch this YouTube video from the Riverside County Registrar of Voters to learn more about the new process.
Vote by Mail Ballots will be sent to all eligible registered voters for the November 3, 2020, General Election beginning Monday, October 5, 2020 in accordance with state law.
The County of Riverside is offering $33 million in rental relief to individuals and families who have lost income due to COVID-19 and cannot make rent payments. United Lift will administer $33 million in rental assistance between the months of June and November 2020.
All residents who can document a financial impact related to COVID-19 are eligible for $3,500 in rental assistance. Under the expanded county guidelines residents will no longer have to document being currently behind on their rent to qualify for rental assistance. Residents can qualify for rental assistance regardless of their income level. Residents who received a lower payment amount previously can receive an additional payment to bring them up to $3,500 in total rental assistance and do not need to reapply. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis at
Interested in serving the Highgrove community? If you live within the Unincorporated area of Highgrove within District 2, be sure to look at the opening we have below for the local advisory council. If you feel you have the time to dedicate to making the district a better place, feel free to apply online at under Boards-Committees & Commissions.
Supervisor Spiegel will be the Honorary Chair for the 15th Annual NAMIWalks Inland on October 10th. NAMI is the Nation’s Voice on Mental Health and the largest grassroots advocacy organization in the country. NAMI has been a voice in the community for 40 years.
October 3-10, 2020 is Mental Illness Awareness Week. The National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) states, “Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. However, mental illness affects everyone directly or indirectly through family, friends or coworkers. Despite mental illnesses’ reach and prevalence, stigma and misunderstanding are also, unfortunately, widespread.
That is why each year, during the first week of October, NAMI and participants across the country raise awareness of mental illness. Each year, we educate the public, fight stigma and provide support. And each year, our movement grows stronger.
Since 1990, when Congress officially established the first full week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW), advocates have worked together to sponsor activities, large or small, to educate the public about mental illness.” Click the link to learn more about Mental Illness Awareness Week:
Getting a flu vaccine this year is more important as ever. A flu vaccine not only can help protect you and your loved ones, but also help reduce the strain on hospitals and healthcare systems and help save vital medical resources needed to care for people with COVID-19.
It’s important for everyone to do their part to stay healthy this flu season. The best way to prevent flu is to get vaccinated, but healthy habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs. Do your part to prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses by remembering to:
- Mask Up: Cover your nose and mouth with a mask when out in public.
- Lather Up: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
- Sleeve Up: Roll up your sleeve to get a flu shot.
The more people vaccinated against the flu, the more people are protected from the flu. To learn more visit:
*Medicare Part B covers one flu shot per flu season. Beneficiaries pay nothing for a flu shot if their doctor or other qualified healthcare provider accepts Medicare payment for giving the flu shot.
For helpful information on how to spot the difference between the Flu and COVID-19, visit:

The Corona Chamber of Commerce Executive Leadership Roundtable (ELR) participants have chosen to coordinate the expansion of services provided to our active military by upgrading the kitchen facility, Wi-Fi, and office space of the Bob Hope USO at March ARB Joint Regional Deployment Center.
Together with dozens of volunteers, Bob Hope USO serves snacks (mostly PB&J) and refreshments to those waiting several hours before they deploy with a sendoff from our dedicated volunteers. It was at March Field where Bob Hope first performed for the troops in 1941, and they are delighted to continue to serve today.
“Basically, we all agreed that we want to help provide more than a PB& J sandwich,” shares Navy Federal Credit Union’s Natasha Johnson (Chair of the ELR Community Project 2019-2020). A BBQ Fundraiser will be October 17 from 2PM-5PM. With your donation of $60 you will get a single serving feast fit for a KING, a designated pick-up time for your meal and show your support for military that travel through the March Air Reserve Base.
Tickets are $60 each. Donations in multiples of 10 tickets or above will receive a cost of $50 per donation for the event. You can make your donation through the Corona Chamber Foundation or at Please call the Corona Chamber of commerce for assistance or questions at 951.737.3350.

To support and celebrate Veterans of our armed forces, the City of Eastvale is partnering with the Eastvale Chamber of Commerce for a Veterans Day Recognition Sign Campaign. City of Eastvale Veterans qualify for a FREE 18”x24” yard sign. For residents wanting to support veterans, signs are available for $10 each through the Eastvale Chamber of Commerce’s website at
To purchase a sign that supports veterans, please visit the Eastvale Chamber of Commerce’s website at to purchase for $10 each. Signs will be delivered to homes during the week of November 2, 2020. Registration for the campaign ends on Tuesday, October 20th. To register for a FREE sign for a Veteran, please submit the following information to name of Eastvale Veteran, Branch of Military Service, and address.

After a long hiatus, recreational riding at Ingalls Center’s Clark Arena will recommence on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Three horses with riders will be allowed entry into the Clark arena facility at any one time, for 30 minutes of recreational riding. All CDC, State, County and local public health guidelines, including face coverings and social distancing, will be strictly enforced. A staging area will be designated when more than three riders request use for arena to ensure a well-organized venue. For more information, click here or contact the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department at (951) 270-5632 or

Halloweekend returns to City Hall for a second year with a modified single-day family-friendly experience sure to delight. Join a drive thru Trunk or Treat experience on Saturday, Oct. 24th from 5 to 8 p.m. at Corona City Hall! Due to popular demand, registration is now filled.
If you’re a local business owner or a proud Corona resident (or both) you can help make Halloweekend a success by sponsoring! For more information about sponsorship, contact Sadie Cowden at or call (951) 736-2241.

The Norco Sheriff’s Station will host its 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat-Drive Thru on Thursday, October 29th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in front of Norco City Hall. Attendees are highly encouraged to dress in costumes and will remain in their vehicle to collect candy from participating agencies and units in a drive-through format. The Trunk or Treat will begin at the corner of Fourth Street and Clark Avenue in Norco. The drive-through line will only be accessible from Fourth Street and vehicles will be directed southbound on Clark Avenue toward Market Street.
This event is fun for the whole family! Dress up, drive-through and come collect Halloween candy from a distance with your local law enforcement! For more information, contact the Norco Sheriff’s Station at (951) 270-5673 or