Join kick-off webinar for California’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan under U.S. EPA’s CPRG program

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September 26, 2024

State announces kick-off public webinar for California’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan under U.S. EPA’s CPRG program

Webinar to be held October 8, 5:30-7:30 pm

The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) invite you to participate in a public webinar to kick off the development of California’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP), a key deliverable under U.S. EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program.

As a CPRG Planning Grant recipient, and alongside most states, Tribal Nations, territories and dozens of metro areas across the U.S., California is developing its CCAP to submit to the U.S. EPA in the fall of 2025. The CCAP will leverage California’s extensive work to date on climate planning and policy, including the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP)submitted to the U.S. EPA in March 2024 under the CPRG program. The CCAP will include all sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs), include the State’s existing near- and long-term climate targets, provide actions across all sectors to deliver GHG reductions, and will address workforce, public health, economic and other considerations.

We invite all interested parties in the CPRG program and in California’s efforts to fight climate change to join this kick-off webinar.

Date:                 October 8, 2024
Time:                 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location:           Zoom Webinar


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join each webinar by computer or telephone. The webinar will be recorded, and a link to the recording will be made available and posted on the State’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program webpage.


Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, U.S. EPA’s CPRG Program offered States, large metropolitan areas, and Tribal Nations non-competitive funding in 2023 to create climate plans. The first stage of those plans – the Priority Climate Action Plans -- was submitted on March 1 (April 1 for Tribal Nations). Climate actions listed in the first plan were also eligible to compete for $4.6 Billion in federal funding. Recipients of those grants were announced this summer

All those who received funding for planning under the CPRG program must now complete the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, due in the fall 2025. The CPRG program will then require a Status Report in 2027.

California’s development of the CCAP will build on the collaboration and outreach that contributed to the PCAP. State agencies, large metropolitan areas, and many other jurisdictions (including several California Tribal Nations) engaged in coordinated consultations and discussions on the scope and range of priorities and actions to include in the State’s PCAP. Those discussions will continue, and this kick-off webinar is an effort to publicize the beginning of the CCAP process, and several months of public presentations and participation around the State to gather ideas, concepts and policies that will help California develop the CCAP and reach its climate and equity goals.

Agendas and staff presentations for the webinars will be posted on California’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program webpage.


If you have any questions about the webinars, please contact Stanley Young or A Spanish language option will be available for these webinars. If you require a special accommodation or another language, please email Stanley Young as soon as possible. TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.

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