The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) has posted guidance to vehicle owners on upcoming requirements and compliance deadlines in Clean Truck Check, formerly known as the Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) regulation. This guidance provides further information about the timing of these upcoming Reporting Requirements and Compliance Fee Payments in 2023 and Periodic Testing Requirements in 2024 to assist vehicle owners in their planning efforts. As the year moves forward, CARB will release additional information and conduct training sessions to support vehicle owners and other regulated entities in meeting their upcoming compliance requirements.
Heavy-duty vehicles with gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds continue to be major contributors to statewide mobile air pollution, even though this sector only makes up about three percent of the total on-road vehicles operating in California. To limit excess emissions from these heavy-duty vehicles, the Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance regulation was finalized in 2022 requiring vehicles above 14,000 pounds GVWR operating in California to undergo periodic emissions control equipment inspections to ensure they are operating with properly functioning emissions control systems. Now rebranded as the Clean Truck Check, this is a multi-phased program that began implementation on January 1, 2023, utilizing roadside emissions monitoring equipment to measure a vehicle’s emissions levels as they pass through. If a vehicle is identified as potentially having abnormally high emissions, CARB will issue the vehicle owner a Notice to Submit to Testing (NST) which requires the vehicle to undergo a compliance test, and, if necessary, undergo emissions-related repairs to ensure the vehicle’s emissions control systems are operating as originally designed. Future phases of the Clean Truck Check, including fleet reporting requirements, compliance fee payments, and twice-per-year periodic testing requirements will be rolled out later in 2023 and 2024. These testing requirements will further ensure that all vehicles operating in California are regularly testing to ensure their emissions control systems are functioning as required, and when broken, get repaired as soon as possible.
- For more information on Clean Truck Check, visit Clean Truck Check (HD I/M).
Clean Truck Check Facts Sheets and FAQs are available that provide further details on program requirements such as vehicle applicability, compliance testing requirements, and allowable testing equipment.
- To receive notification of training webinars to learn how to use the Clean Truck Check database system and to receive other important updates subscribe to Clean Truck Check updates. CARB staff plans to offer the database training webinars starting in October 2023.
- CARB’s existing Periodic Smoke Inspection Program (PSIP) will be rescinded upon the effective date of Clean Truck Check‘s periodic vehicle testing requirements.
- If you have questions regarding information presented in this guidance, contact Clean Truck Check staff at
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