The Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants (Panel), established pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 39670, will hold a public meeting on May 12, 2022 as detailed below. The meeting will be held in a “hybrid” approach where attendees can join the meeting at the in-person location provided below, or virtually through a web-based teleconferencing service called Zoom. The meeting date, time, and in-person location are:
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: Sierra Hearing Room, Second Floor California Environmental Protection Agency 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Note: the panel will accept written comments on all items and oral comments on items 4 and 5. Those interested in submitting oral or written comments during the meeting please register in advance of the meeting at the link below.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Review of 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) – Technical Support Document for the Derivation of Noncancer Reference Exposure Levels – Appendix D1.
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) staff will present a draft document summarizing the development of non-cancer acute, 8-hour, and chronic inhalation RELs for 1-BP.
RELs are airborne concentrations of a chemical that are not anticipated to result in adverse non–cancer health effects for specified exposure durations in the general population, including sensitive subpopulations.
OEHHA is required to develop guidelines for conducting health risk assessments under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program (Health and Safety Code Section 44360 (b)(2)). In response to this statutory requirement, OEHHA develops RELs for many air pollutants. More information regarding the Document can be found at OEHHA website.
Note: a workshop and comment period for the document was offered in January through February 2022, but written comments regarding the Draft Document can be submitted to the Panel for the SRP meeting.
3. Informational Item regarding a proposed process for Hot Spots chemical reviews.
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) currently follows a process to meet the statutory requirement of developing health guidance values under the Air Toxics Hot Spots program. In addition, OEHHA develops No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) for carcinogens listed under Proposition 65. In an effort to utilize resources more effectively, these processes can be matched to produce deliverables that satisfy the requirements of both programs.
OEHHA staff will provide the Panel with a description of a proposed process for chemical reviews under the Hot Spots program that coordinates with the Proposition 65 process, as a potential model for future work. As a way to illustrate this concept, OEHHA staff will present a proposed format for an upcoming chemical that will be heard before the SRP at an upcoming meeting. OEHHA will discuss the proposed process and example format with the Panel and solicit comments.
4. Informational Update from the Department of Pesticide Regulation on 1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-D) Emissions Monitoring Study and AB 617 Community of Shafter.
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) staff will provide the Panel with the final update on DPR’s monitoring study of alternative 1,3-D application methods designed to reduce 1,3-D emissions. Part of this study was conducted around fields near the AB 617 community of Shafter. The field portion of the study began in October 2020 and concluded in October 2021.
DPR’s mission is to protect human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use, and by fostering reduced-risk pest management.
The panel invites public comments and accepts and encourages early submission of written comments on all agenda items (as authorized by Health & Saf. Code, §§ 39660, subd.(c)(3), 39661 subd.(b)). For Item 4 and 5 only, the panel will accept both oral and written public comments. Those interested in submitting oral or written comments related to Item 4 and/or 5 during the meeting please register in advance of the meeting via the registration link.
5. Informational Update on the Community Air Protection Program.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff from the Office of Community Protection (OCAP) will update the Panel on current activities, focusing on the update process for the Statewide Strategy, and latest round of community selection.
In response to Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (C. Garcia, Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017), CARB established the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP or Program). The Program’s focus is to reduce exposure in communities most impacted by air pollution. Communities around the State are working together to develop and implement new strategies to measure air pollution and reduce health impacts. The Panel is one of several groups being consulted about the implementation of the program. For more information on the Community Air Protection Program, please refer to their website.
The panel invites public comments and accepts and encourages early submission of written comments on all agenda items (as authorized by Health & Saf. Code, §§ 39660, subd.(c)(3), 39661 subd.(b)). For Item 4 and 5 only, the panel will accept both oral and written public comments. Those interested in submitting oral or written comments related to Item 4 and/or 5 during the meeting please register in advance of the meeting via the registration link.
6. Consideration of administrative matters.
The Panel may discuss various administrative matters and scheduling of future meetings.
The agenda items listed above may be considered in a different order at the meeting.
About the Scientific Review Panel
The Scientific Review Panel (Panel) is charged with evaluating the risk assessments of substances proposed for identification as toxic air contaminants by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), and the review of risk assessment guidelines prepared by OEHHA. In carrying out this responsibility, the Panel reviews the exposure and health assessment reports, and the underlying scientific data on which the reports are based, which are prepared by CARB, DPR, and OEHHA pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 39660-39661, 39669.5 and 44360, and Food and Agricultural Code sections 14022-14023. These reports are prepared for the purpose of determining whether a substance or pesticide should be identified as a toxic air contaminant, or as guidelines to be used in preparing health risk assessments. The Panel is also to be consulted in the implementation of Assembly Bill 617 (H&SC sections 42705.5(b) and 44391.2; Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017).
The Panel welcomes written comments or submissions from all parties regarding reports that are under review. Although written comments are accepted up to the day of a scheduled meeting, to assure adequate review the Panel requests that written comments and information be submitted to the Panel Liaison (contact information below) as early as possible prior to a scheduled meeting. The Panel has discretion whether to accept oral public comment. (Health & Safety Code § 39661 subd.(b)). The agenda will inform whether an item is open for oral public comment.
Transcripts to previously held Panel meetings and other information about the Panel can be found through the CARB SRP website.
More Information
For further information regarding the content of the meeting agenda, please contact Norm Kado, Panel Liaison, at (279) 208-7202.
Special accommodation or language needs may be provided for the following: an interpreter to be available at the hearing; or this document made available in an alternate format or another language.
To request a special accommodation or language need, please contact Norm Kado at (279) 208-7202 as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days before the scheduled meeting.
TTY/TDD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Solicitud de acomodación especial
Si usted requiere acomodación especial o requiere de un intérprete para la audiencia, o documentos disponibles en un formato alterno u otro idioma, favor de contactar a Norm Kado (279) 208-7202 ( lo más pronto posible, pero no menos de 10 días de trabajo antes de la reunión programada.
TTY/TDD/Personas que necesiten este servicio pueden marcar el 711 para el Servicio de Retransmisión de Mensajes de Californi.