The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff invites you to participate remotely in a public workshop on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. The purpose of this workshop is to update stakeholders on the methodology and data that were used to develop the new forklift model (LSI2022) and present the resulting statewide emissions of criteria pollutants. To submit written comments on the Draft 2022 California Large-Spark Ignition Equipment Emissions Inventory, please email them to Off-road Inventory Helpdesk.
Date: April 26, 2022 Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) Location: Zoom Webinar / Teleconference Topic: 2022 California Large-Spark Ignition Equipment Emissions Inventory Public Workshop
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop. Please use the link and password to join the workshop the morning of the meeting. If you are using a tablet or smart phone, please download the Zoom app. Ensure the latest version of Zoom is installed on your device.
During the workshop, if you wish to provide comments or ask questions on the inventory concepts, please use Zoom’s “raise hand” feature. The “raise hand” button can be found on the Zoom webinar window. For those who are joining via a conference call, press #2 to raise your hand. The “Q&A” feature on Zoom will also be available to provide comments and ask questions. This workshop will be recorded for future viewing.
After signing into Zoom, you will receive a confirmation prompt for your name and email prior to joining the webinar. Please note that your registration information is a public record and, if no exemptions from disclosure apply, may be subject to disclosure if a member of the public submits a request for these public records under the California Public Records Act (California Government Code, sections 6250-6276.48). To the extent feasible, we encourage registrants to use their business email addresses, not personal email addresses.
Special Accommodation Request
Consistent with applicable laws, special accommodation or language needs may be provided for any of the following:
- An interpreter to be available at the meeting;
- Documents made available in an alternate format or another language;
- A disability-related reasonable accommodation.
To request these special accommodations or language needs, please contact the Off-road Inventory Helpdesk as soon as possible, but no later than two business days before the scheduled meeting. TTY/TTD/Speech to Speech users may dial 711 for the California Relay Service.
Online Emissions Inventory Database Updates for Off-Road Equipment and Vehicles
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is officially releasing an update to the OFFROAD2021 database (v1.0.2) on the online mobile source emissions inventory platform. This web platform is the primary tool that CARB uses to provide emission inventory details from mobile sources (both on-road and off-road) including population, activity, and fuel use. The update to the off-road emissions inventory provides a comprehensive overview of off-road equipment by integrating data from several updated off-road models including,
- Cargo Handling Equipment: CHE2021
- Forestry Equipment: FORESTRY2021
- Ocean-Going Vessels: OGV2021
Additionally, this web platform includes previous inventories for Agriculture (2021 Model), Commercial Harbor Craft (2021 Model), Construction and Mining, Industrial, and Oil Drilling (2011 Model), Cargo Handling Equipment (2011 Model), Locomotive (2021 Line Haul Model, 2020 Switcher Model, 2017 Passenger and Shortline Models), Outboard Marine Tanks (2008 Model), Pleasure Craft (2014 Model), Portable Equipment (2017 Model), Recreational Vehicles (2018 Model), Small Off-Road Equipment (2020 Model), Transportation Refrigeration Units (2021 Model), and additional categories from OFFROAD2007.
More Information
For more information on inventory inputs, methodology, please visit the MSEI Mobile Source Emission Inventory Page. The tool above provides detailed output from these models, however documentation and modeling software is available on the MSEI page.
For more information on CARB’s Off-Road emissions inventory models, please contact us at Off-road Inventory Helpdesk.