Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program Workgroup Meeting on Proposed Regulatory Concepts – Compliance Requirements, and a Request for Participation in a HD I/M Program Development Survey

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January 22, 2021

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program Workgroup Meeting on Proposed Regulatory Concepts – Compliance Requirements, and a Request for Participation in a HD I/M Program Development Survey

February 22, 2021

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invites you to participate in a HD I/M workgroup meeting, via Zoom, on February 22, 2021. At this workgroup meeting, staff will continue the discussion on previously proposed regulatory concepts for the HD I/M program and solicit input from interested parties. As mentioned in the December 17, 2020, workgroup meeting, this discussion will focus on concepts related to thresholds for determining high emitters and compliance requirements for regulated entities such as fleet owners, emission testers, and freight contractors. Staff will also discuss penalties and the proposed administrative hearing process. Additionally, staff will also formally request alternative proposals, including potential costs and emission benefits, to the draft proposed regulatory HD I/M concepts.

DATE:                 February 22, 2021
TIME:                 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workgroup. Please use the link and password to join the workgroup the morning of the meeting. If you are using a tablet or smart phone, please download the Zoom app. Please ensure the latest version of Zoom is installed on your device.

During the workgroup, if you wish to provide comments or ask questions on the regulatory concepts, you must use Zoom’s “raise hand” feature. The “raise hand” button can be found on the Zoom webinar window. For those who are joining via a conference call, press #2 to raise your hand. The “Q&A” feature on Zoom will also be available to provide comments and ask questions.

Staff’s presentation, and any additional webinar-related documents will be made available prior to the workgroup on CARB’s website.

HD I/M Development Survey

Additionally, staff is requesting HD fleet input on a survey being conducted by CARB's contractor, Eastern Research Group (ERG), in an effort to gather information related to the current usage and penetration of telematics and logistic services, current vehicle repair and maintenance practices, and the associated costs incurred by heavy-duty fleets with such efforts to help inform HD I/M program development. CARB staff encourages interested stakeholders to participate in the survey by February 1, 2021. The survey results will provide vital information to help ensure the development of an effective HD I/M program. 


Senate Bill (SB) 210, signed into law by Governor Newsom on September 20, 2019, directs CARB to develop a HD I/M program to ensure heavy-duty vehicles operating in California have properly functioning emissions control systems and that emissions-related malfunctions are repaired in a timely manner. SB 210 also requires CARB to implement pilot program activities that develop and demonstrate technologies that show potential for readily bringing vehicles into the program, and to work with our State agency partners to adopt and implement the program within two years of completing a pilot program. To that end, CARB has undertaken a variety of pilot program studies and demonstration projects in consultation with Stage agency partners and interested stakeholders, and last discussed those pilot program activities at a November 16, 2020, HD I/M workgroup meeting. Staff’s presentation on the status of the SB 210 pilot program activities is available on CARB’s website. Later this summer, staff expects to post the report on the findings of all the pilot program activities on its HD I/M website. The full text of SB 210 is available from the California Legislative Information website.

The HD I/M workgroup is an on-going forum for truck and fleet owners, trucking industry representatives, non-governmental organization representatives, and other interested and knowledgeable stakeholders to identify, discuss, and evaluate key technical and programmatic components of a future, comprehensive HD I/M program within the parameters set forth in SB 210.

This will be the eighth HD I/M workgroup meeting CARB staff has conducted to discuss HD I/M program technical components and the program development process throughout 2019 and 2020. CARB staff has also hosted three HD I/M public workshops. Public workshops and workgroup meetings will continue throughout 2021. For information and presentations from all previous workgroup meetings and public workshops, please visit CARB’s website.


If you have questions, please contact Krista Fregoso or contact James Goldstene.

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