The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff are announcing the release of the updated draft version of the Mobile Emissions Toolkit for Analysis (META). This tool provides detailed assumptions for and visualization of the 2020 draft Mobile Source Strategy scenarios for medium and heavy-duty on-road and off-road sectors.
California Senate Bill 44 requires CARB to update the 2016 Mobile Source Strategy by Jan 1 2021, and every five years thereafter, to bring the State into compliance with federal ambient air quality standards and reduce motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions. In response to SB 44, CARB is developing the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy, an integrated planning approach to identify the regulatory and programmatic strategies needed to achieve California’s air quality and climate targets. CARB held a webinar on March 25, 2020 and an informational board item on April 23, 2020 on the updated Mobile Source Strategy. Also, most recently, CARB released the Workshop Discussion Draft 2020 Mobile Source Strategy, and is planning to hold a public webinar on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 to discuss the scenarios presented in the Discussion Draft document as well as providing a demo of the META tool. Further information on the webinar can be found at:
To improve transparency behind the scenario modeling, CARB staff developed META for the on-road medium and heavy-duty and off-road sectors using the most current emissions inventory data. META is a user-friendly spreadsheet tool that provides a visualization of scenario results, in terms of technology mixes, fuel use and emissions. The tool also provides the major assumptions, inputs, data sources, inventory status for on-road and off-road sectors, as well as calculations for the medium and heavy-duty on-road scenarios. Scenarios generated through META are used to understand how different combinations of concepts outlined in the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy will transform the fleet and impact the criteria and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Please note that META does not include scenario details for the light-duty vehicles (LDV). The LDV scenarios are developed through the VISION tool. More details on the VISION tool will be provided in a later release. However, with this release we have also included the vehicle population data by technology resulted from the light-duty scenarios.
On August 5, 2020, CARB staff released the beta version of META for external stakeholder testing. The Draft META released today is reflective of the comments received from stakeholders on the beta version. The final version of META will be released along with the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy document.
Questions and Comments
For further questions and comments related to META, please contact for on-road META, and for off-road META. For general information regarding the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy, please contact