Public Workshop on the Clean Miles Standard

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Public Workshop on the Clean Miles Standard 

The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in a public workshop on Friday, July 17, 2020, to provide input on CARB’s development of the Clean Miles Standard, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation network company (TNC) services. Staff will present updated preliminary GHG and electric vehicle miles traveled (eVMT) targets, as well as additional provisions of the regulation, including potential credits and exemptions for small companies. Staff will request stakeholder comments following the workshop to be submitted to through August 20, 2020.

Staff’s presentation and any additional workshop-related documents will be posted prior to the workshop day on CARB’s Clean Miles Standard webpage.

More Information

DATE:               Friday, July 17, 2020
TIME:                10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
LOCATION:      Zoom



Senate Bill (SB) 1014 (Skinner, 2018) – the Clean Miles Standard and Incentive Program – requires CARB to develop and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to implement a GHG reduction program for TNCs. As part of SB 1014, CARB established a base year GHG emission inventory in January 2020 for the TNC sector on a per-passenger-mile basis. SB 1014 directs CARB to adopt GHG per passenger mile reduction and percent eVMT targets for TNCs by January 1, 2021. Staff anticipates achieving GHG goals through increased use of zero-emission vehicles and increased pooling, as well as use of transit and micro mobility modes facilitated by the TNCs. The Clean Miles Standard regulatory proposal, currently being developed, is scheduled for Board consideration in December 2020.

This regulation will be designed to support the goals set forth in SB 32, which requires California to reduce GHG emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. The transportation sector is the largest GHG emissions category and accounts for almost 50 percent of GHG emissions in California when accounting for fuel production. Light-duty vehicles make up over half of the transportation sector’s emissions. In 2018, TNCs contributed approximately 1 percent of GHG emissions in the light-duty vehicle sector.


If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact If you wish to receive information regarding the Clean Miles Standard please subscribe at the Clean Miles Standard website.