Public Webinar - Analysis of Dairy and Livestock Methane Emissions Reduction Progress

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CARB Webinar on Analysis of Dairy and Livestock Methane Emissions Reduction Progress

Senate Bill (SB) 1383 (Lara, 2016) mandates that CARB analyze the progress that the California dairy and livestock sector has made toward achieving the methane emissions reductions mandates codified in the bill, as well as the progress made in overcoming technical and market barriers identified in the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy. As part of the development of this analysis, CARB staff will host a public webinar to discuss SB 1383 analysis requirements, CARB’s outreach plan and efforts, planned data sources, and potential information gaps. CARB staff will give a short presentation and then open the line for questions and discussion. Following the webinar, stakeholders will have an opportunity to provide written comments during an informal comment period that will conclude at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time on Friday, June 5, 2020.

DATE:               Thursday, May 21, 2020
TIME:                10:00 AM to Noon (or until the discussion period concludes) 


Materials that will be discussed at the webinar will be available on CARB’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Meetings and Workshops webpage prior to the webinar and the link to the comment submission webpage will be available the day of the webinar.


Senate Bill 1383 requires the reduction of short-lived climate pollutants from multiple sectors, including specific direction to reduce methane emissions at dairy and livestock operations by 40 percent below 2013 levels by 2030. The bill also mandates that CARB perform an analysis focusing on the progress made toward achieving the dairy and livestock sector methane emissions reduction goal and the progress made toward overcoming the barriers that have hindered methane emissions reductions in this sector.

To date, CARB and its sister agencies have worked diligently to achieve the dairy and livestock sector-specific mandates of SB 1383.  In May of 2017, CARB staff convened the Dairy and Livestock Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Working Group, which was comprised of a variety of regulatory and industry experts to help identify and develop recommendations to overcome barriers to dairy and livestock methane emissions reductions projects. CARB staff developed a pilot financial mechanism that could help provide price certainty in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Program, published guidance on the impact of potential sector regulations on the generation of LCFS and Cap-and-Trade Program credits, and conducted and funded dairy and livestock emissions monitoring and research to help better understand dairy emissions. CARB staff also assisted the California Public Utilities Commission in developing six dairy biomethane pipeline injections pilot projects, and provide ongoing support to the California Department of Food and Agriculture for the Dairy Digester Research and Development Program and the Alternative Manure Management Program. More information on methane emissions reductions from the California dairy and livestock sector is available on the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants webpage.

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