Joint California Transportation Commission and California Air Resources Board Public Workshop: Potential Impacts of Federal Vehicle Standards Rollback

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Joint California Transportation Commission and California Air Resources Board Public Workshop: Potential Impacts of Federal Vehicle Standards Rollback

In August 2018, in place of commonsense standards to increase vehicle fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as federal law requires, U.S. EPA and NHTSA proposed freezing the current standards at the 2020 level through the 2026 model year. The administration also proposed to act against established law and wrongly strip California and other states of their authority to protect their public health through California’s standards moving forward. 

In addition to impacting local community public health, significantly increasing greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating the climate crisis, and enriching oil companies at the expense of drivers, the federal proposal may prevent transportation agencies from building local transportation projects.

DATE:               Thursday, May 16, 2019
TIME:                 Upon Adjournment of the California Transportation

                          Commission Meeting (anticipated around 10am)  
LOCATION:       Bahia Hotel
                          Bayside Room E
                          998 W Mission Bay Drive, San Diego


The California Air Resources Board, California Transportation Commission, and California Department of Transportation will hold an informational workshop discussing implications of the proposed federal action on air quality and transportation planning and funding in California and other states. Details below.


This meeting will be available via webcast.



Agenda Item



Welcome, Meeting Purpose & Opening Remarks

(10 minutes)

Fran Inman, Chair, California Transportation Commission

Mary Nichols, Chair, California Air Resources Board


California State Transportation Agency Remarks

(5 minutes)

Brian Annis, Secretary, California State Transportation Agency


California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency Remarks

(5 minutes)

Alexis Podesta, Secretary, California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency (Invited)


Overview of Safe Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule

• California’s Response, Actions to Date

• State and Local Air Quality Impacts

• State and Local Public Health Impacts

(25 minutes)

Jennifer Gress, California Air Resources Board

Erik White, California Air Pollution Control Officers Association



• Regional Transportation Plans

• Air Quality Conformity

(15 minutes)

Tanisha Taylor, California Association of Councils of Governments


Caltrans and Regional Perspective – Impacts to Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Implementation

• Highway and Transit

•  Housing

•  Economic Impacts

(40 minutes)

Chris Schmidt, California Department of Transportation

Representative, Southern California Regional Agency

Andy Chesley, San Joaquin Council of Governments

Ross McKeown, Metropolitan Transportation Commission


National Perspective – Impacts to Other States

(20 minutes)

Miles Keogh, National Association of Clean Air Agencies


Next Steps

(10 minutes)

Jennifer Gress, California Air Resources Board

Chris Schmidt, California Department of Transportation

Tanisha Taylor, California Association of Councils of Governments


Public Comment

(45 minutes)



Wrap-Up and Conclusion

(5 minutes)

Fran Inman California Transportation Commission

Mary Nichols, California Air Resources Board