Public Workshop for the California Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan

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California Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan

Public Workshop Announcement

The California Natural Resources Agency, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board, and Strategic Growth Council are jointly hosting a public workshop to discuss and solicit input on the development of the Natural and Working Lands Implementation Plan (Implementation Plan) and associated 2030 intervention-based goal for carbon sequestration. 

DATE:                May 18, 2018
TIME:                 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION:       California Energy Commission Building
                          First Floor | Rosenfeld Hearing Room 
                          1516 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814



Land-based strategies are critical in order to meet the State’s long-term climate goal. The Implementation Plan will set a pathway for California’s working lands, including forests, farmlands, ranchlands, grasslands, wetlands, and urban land, that emphasizes the role of California’s land base in achieving net zero or negative total emissions. The Plan will identify and specify the scope and scale of activities the State can undertake to enhance the resilience of natural and working lands while increasing their ability to sequester carbon and provide multiple other benefits.

The Implementation Plan and 2030 intervention-based goal are an important step toward connecting our efforts on natural and working lands with the broader State climate strategy. Information collected through implementation of the Plan will be used to inform the next California Climate Change Scoping Plan Update, which will include activities on natural and working lands and identify relationships between land-based strategies and other activities, including energy-based strategies.

The workshop will include a presentation and moderated discussion to gather stakeholder input on the proposed outline and approach for development of the Implementation Plan and process for determining the 2030 intervention-based carbon sequestration goal for natural and working lands.  A Concept Paper for the Implementation Plan will be released in advanced of the workshop and will outline a proposal for information presented at the workshop. The Concept Paper will also detail how the plan will be used, in relation to other tools such as the California Air Resources Board Natural and Working Lands Inventory and the California Natural and Working Lands Carbon Model. 

The Concept Paper will provide an overview of:

  1. The directive to create an Implementation Plan as outlined in the 2017 Scoping Plan Update: The Strategy for Achieving California's 2030 GHG Goal; 
  2. The sector’s scope of conservation, restoration, and management activities that will be employed to sequester carbon on natural and working lands;
  3. The inputs to be used in setting a 2030 goal for natural and working lands;
  4. The process and proposed framework for developing, implementing, and tracking the Implementation Plan; and
  5. The proposed conservation, restoration, and management activities that will be employed through State-funded investments to sequester carbon on natural and working lands, and the California Natural Resources Agency , California Department of Food and Agriculture , and California Environmental Protection Agency programs that may contribute to these activities by 2030. 

The California 2030 Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan Concept Paper and a detailed agenda will be made available prior to the workshop in a subsequent listserv broadcast and at the Scoping Plan webpage.

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