Boatworks EIR/EIS ready for review and pedestrian safety gets elevated in Tahoe City in this month's North Lake Tahoe newsletter

North Lake Tahoe Newsletter - February 2024

Grove Street Improvements in Tahoe City

Placer County seeks to safeguard pedestrian safety and enhance traffic flow at Grove Street intersection in Tahoe City


A project to safeguard pedestrians and enhance traffic flow within the Tahoe City corridor is set to kick off after a key approval by the Placer County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 23. The vote at the last board meeting authorized the director of Public Works to approve a contract with GHD Inc. for professional services to begin the Tahoe City Mobility and Grove Street Intersection Improvements Project along state Route 28.

Placer County is working in coordination with Caltrans on this project and together, staff will analyze multiple alternatives for the intersection including a signal and roundabout. The project is intended to address long-standing community concerns with pedestrian safety and mobility, as well as traffic congestion. Due to the adjacent school on Grove Street, there are frequent school bus stops at this intersection and many children crossing state Route 28 en route to school. READ MORE


Placer County expands parking management program to Northstar California

Northstar parking agreement image - Martis Valley

Following an earlier agreement with Palisades Tahoe, our Board of Supervisors recently approved a contract to expand parking enforcement to a second ski resort in North Lake Tahoe.

The agreement, approved by the Board of Supervisors on Jan. 23, authorizes the Placer County Department of Public Works to provide back-up enforcement for the resort’s winter parking reservation program. “This is another message to the community that the county is working with our partners to address challenges on our roadways,” said Placer County Deputy Director of Public Works Rebecca Taber. READ MORE

Placer County Board of Supervisors to host Housing Element Sites Rezone workshop Feb. 13

Housing rezone in NLT

The Placer County Board of Supervisors will host a community workshop on the proposed Housing Element Sites Rezone project at 2 p.m. on Feb. 13 at the Community Development Resource Agency building, 3091 County Center Drive in North Auburn. The workshop has been moved up to Feb. 13 from a preliminarily discussed Feb. 20 date to allow the public more time to provide input and to allow staff time to make any potential adjustments, while also meeting the state-imposed program deadlines.


Separately, a draft environmental report on the Placer County Housing Element Sites Rezone program is now available for public review and comment through March 18, including a public meeting Feb. 22 in Auburn. The draft environmental report is available for review at local libraries in Kings Beach, Tahoe City and Truckee as well as online. LEARN MORE


Placer County to launch environmental review of Boatworks at Tahoe redevelopment project

Aerial image of Lake Tahoe and downtown Tahoe City's Boatworks.

Our Community Development Resource Agency and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency have issued a joint notice of preparation for an environmental impact report and environmental impact study for the Boatworks at Tahoe project. The proposed redevelopment project sits on a 3.8-acre site between state Route 28 and Lake Tahoe in downtown Tahoe City. The public will have an opportunity to review the notice and provide comments between now and Feb. 29.

The county will hold a public environmental scoping meeting at the Tahoe City Public Utilities District Conference Room, at 4 p.m. on Feb. 26. The meeting will also be held virtually via Zoom. READ MORE

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