 Thank you! Your conservation efforts helped avoid rotating outages
This month we experienced a record-setting heat storm with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees over a large area for multiple days. This resulted in unprecedented electricity demand across the State of California. Residents and businesses responded together to Flex Alerts, and the resulting conservation allowed us to avoid rolling power outages.
By providing clean electricity, Peninsula Clean Energy is helping our community fight climate change and its effects like extreme heat.
Take a tour of clean, healthy electric homes
Project Green Home and the Campaign for Fossil Free Buildings are offering a Green and Electrified Home Tour of 21 climate-friendly homes on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Talk with homeowners about how they chose energy-efficient water heaters, furnaces, dryers, induction cooktops, stoves and more. Learn about the cost and the rebates you can get. Discuss whether to select a contractor or do-it-yourself and how to create a plan that fits your family's finances while improving your home's comfort and healthy, indoor air quality.
A $1,000 rebate put a charge in Laura's life
Laura was not expecting to buy an e-bike until she learned that she could get up to $1,000 towards the puchase of a new one with Peninsula Clean Energy’s E-Bikes for Everyone program. She was surprised by how fun and easy it is to ride, even a bit faster and more exciting than a regular bike!
Enter the Green Electrification contest and you may win $300
Help us raise awareness of the benefits of electrification by entering Sustainable San Mateo’s Green Electrification contest. Just submit a photo or short video of "green infrastructure" or "electric equipment/installation" to enter. Apply by September 30 at 11:59 pm.
Examples include: heat pump water heaters, induction cooktops, solar panels, EV chargers… the list is long!
State Sen. Josh Becker, Peninsula Clean Energy CEO Jan Pepper, founding Peninsula Clean Energy board members and county supervisors Carole Groom and Dave Pine showcase the resolution
State legislature resolution honors Peninsula Clean Energy anniversary
A California state legislature resolution was issued honoring the fifth anniversary of Peninsula Clean Energy providing clean, affordable electricity to our customers. It was signed by four members of the San Mateo County state delegation: Senator Josh Becker (D-Peninsula), Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Kevin Mullin (D-San Mateo), Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Palo Alto) and Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco).
“Peninsula Clean Energy has helped San Mateo County nationally lead the way toward having true 24/7 clean energy for homes and businesses,” Senator Becker said. “Close partnerships with our communities have allowed Peninsula Clean Energy to pursue innovative solutions, focus on equity and bring everyone they serve into the clean energy revolution. They’ve created a model within our state and for others across the country.”
New Employee Spotlight
Kristina Cordero Chief Financial Officer
Kristina will oversee and direct our finance and accounting, ranging from organizational budgeting, revenue forecasting and modeling to the accurate tracking, reporting and analysis of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements.
Cora Dino Director of Human Resources
As our first full-time Director of Human Resources, Cora will oversee talent acquisition and retention, employee DEAI (diversity/equity/accessibility/inclusion) initiatives, compliance with federal/state regulations, and more.