Adam Tallabas
District Representative / Policy Analyst
Hello, Fabulous Fifth! On Monday, I attended the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce Legislative Meet & Greet where the Supervisor spoke about our priorities for the Fifth District as well as our priorities for the City of Aliso Viejo - especially reducing homelessness by supporting regional solutions to the issue. I enjoyed meeting so many business leaders & constituents in Aliso Viejo, especially two local students! On Tuesday, I worked the booth at the Ladera Ranch National Night Out! It was an opportunity for residents in the area to meet their public safety organizations (California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriffs, etc) as well as representatives from the United States Marine Corps. I enjoyed meeting the many residents that came by our booth and updated me on issues facing Ladera Ranch, including the importance of protecting their community from wildfire and establishing protections for homeowners from the insurance crisis.
This weekend, I will be at the Newport-Mesa Unified Resource Fair from 9 AM to 1 PM on Saturday, then at the Los Angeles Rams Training Camp later in the day! I hope to see you out there.
Jonathan Davis
Policy Advisor
This week, I organized and finalized our plans for our Investigative Hearing on Climate Resiliency, which will be held on August 30, 2023, starting at 9:00 AM. This hearing will include various panels of local leaders and subject matter experts, with the goal of facilitating robust conversations and new ideas that can be incorporated into a climate action plan for Orange County. I look forward to sharing more details with our community so that everyone can participate in person or watch online.
I finished my week by preparing for the Regional Transportation Committee, happening Monday morning at 10:30 AM. During the meeting, the committee will vote to approve various grant awards and the selection of a consultant that will complete a study that will examine various short and medium-term solutions for protecting the LOSSAN Rail Corridor.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Cindy Tran-Chang
District Representative
Greetings everyone! I’ve missed you! I was on vacation the last two weeks serving domestically and internationally. The first week, I attended the Girl Scouts of USA National Conference in Florida as a Delegate. Our delegation of over 970 adults and girls voted on seven proposals impacting girls and the movement. The decisions we made collectively will impact and affect girls for generations to come. It was an eye-opening experience watching democracy in action and I appreciated participating in the governance process with representatives all over the country, and internationally. Having gone through this experience makes me appreciate the tough work Supervisor Foley does, day in an out, for the residents in the fabulous fifth District.
The second week, I participated in a medical mission in Tra My, a rural part in Vietnam. We had over 150 volunteers from the USA providing medical, optometry, dental and pharmaceutical services for 3,000 adults and children in a span of 4 days! We also visited two orphanages and senior centers to bring essential gifts to those in need. This was the first time I returned to Vietnam after escaping by boat 43 years ago. I am appreciative of Supervisor Foley and her openness to support me in fulfilling this lifelong goal of serving in my birth country.
Today I worked on a constituent case helping to find housing for a teenager whose family dynamic causes her to lose housing.
I'm fueled and excited to move forward with next steps for the Supervisor's Senior Summit on October 27, 2023, at Soka University. We have a beautiful venue, exciting topics and speakers and a comprehensive Resource Fair that will support our elderly and their caretakers. Stay tuned!
Kimberlee Belli
Office Manager / District Representative
Hello! On Sunday, I had the honor of representing our office and stopping by to wish a Happy Birthday to Nancy Clark, head of Nancy Clark and Associates. They established a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in Newport Beach. Her only wish was that each guest brings feminine hygiene products to donate to Warm Heart Education Foundation fund. This was such a thoughtful and terrific idea!
 Again, I was able to participant in Wednesday Wellness Walk in District 5. This time we took a mile walk though Riley Wilderness Park. Supervisor Foley invites all her constituents to join us to experience these beautiful parks, get acquainted with our staff and make new friends. Also, on Wednesday, I organized our Dana Point Harbor Oversight Advisory Committee Meeting at the Sailing and Events Center on the Harbor. Thursday was our first meeting of District 5's Commissioners. At each of these meetings, participants receive an update on the County, introduction of members and each give a report. I'm always looking for local restaurants to support and provide refreshments at county meetings. Email me your suggestions at
Lauren Taylor
Summer Law Clerk
Hello, District 5! This week I attended a meeting with the Public Law Library Board. As a soon-to-be second-year law student, it was remarkable to learn about the law library and sit in a meeting with Orange County Judges. I didn't know much about the Public Law Library before working for the County, but now I can say the library is a historic part of our community that promotes access for all.
I also continued to work on finalizing some of the Grand Jury responses with County staff. The responses up for approval this upcoming meeting are "The ABC of Educating Children Experiencing Homelessness in Orange County," "Gimme Shelter and a Pound of Advice," and "Historic Rain, Yet Drought Remains." If you are interested in the Board of Supervisors' responses to these Grand Jury reports, you can attend the Board Meeting on August 8, 2023, in person or by visiting this link online.
Claire McCarthy
District Intern
Hi District 5! On Tuesday, I prepped for the upcoming board meeting, focusing on policies related to law enforcement and the health care agency. Later in the day, I joined my fellow intern, Grace, at Bonita Canyon Sports Park for Newport Beach's National Night Out. I loved seeing the police community interact with you all, strengthening the police-community partnership and showing the way we all work together in ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods. Wednesday morning, I joined the rest of the office for our Wellness Wednesday Walk at Thomas F. Riley Wilderness Park, a beautiful park located in Coto de Caza. Thursday, I attended the Girls Meet the Workforce graduation reception. I am so inspired by all the bright, strong women who graduated, including our very own interns Camryn and Grace!
Next week is unfortunately my last week at the office before I head back to Tempe, Arizona and begin my third year at Arizona State University. Every day during my internship I learn something new and meet so many people. I urge anyone interested to apply for our fall internship.
Luca Shakoori
Policy Intern
Hi everyone! This past weekend I worked a booth at a concert in Ladera Ranch and Aliso Viejo. As always, I really enjoyed meeting constituents, passing out merchandise, and hearing the music. On Monday, I worked with Policy Advisor Jonathan Davis on analyzing the upcoming OCTA Measure M2 Environmental Oversight Committee, a committee made to ensure future transportation improvement projects are mitigated with sustainability efforts. Two of the projects I worked on were the Fairview Park Restoration Proiect and Dam Removal Restoration Proiects around the county. Both projects work to conserve ecosystems around the county.
Later that day, I looked at some changes to the Santa Margarita Water District rates. Working on that, I learned how complicated and difficult water management policy remains. On Wednesday, I continued to prepare analysis for the Supervisor on the Environmental Oversight Committee to make sure that the projects run efficiently. Later that day, I worked along fellow intern Claire on preparing resources for the Dana Point Harbor Oversight Committee meeting.
Luca Fasulo
Policy Intern
For the last four summers, l've participated in the Special Camp as a camp assistant. I loved inviting Supervisor Foley to our graduation ceremony today and sharing about this important community resource for special needs students. I know the kids enjoy and grow as which as we as camp counselors and assistants do. If you are interesting in volunteering, please email me. Enjoy the weekend.
 Dana Point Harbor News
From Supervisor Katrina Foley
Our very first Dana Point Harbor Oversight Advisory Committee kicked off in full swing. Our members introduced themselves, received updates on the status of the Harbor Revitalization from OC Parks, CEO Real Estate, and of course, the Dana Point Harbor Partners (DPHP). We discussed the goals and expectations for the group, and each committee member shared the concerns of the residents they’ve heard echoed throughout the community. Each member received the Audit of Dana Point Harbor Partners, the lease agreement between DPHP and the County, and an update on the Local Coastal Plan working through the Coastal Commission right now.
Before the meeting finished, we planned out each monthly meeting through January 2024, and planned to select a chair and Secretary at our September meeting. I look forward to the diverse perspectives of those serving our committee and the spirited discussion which will undoubtedly lead to policy recommendations for the Harbor.
From the Marina at Dana Point
We are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of the long-awaited new docks at The Marina at Dana Point. Please join us for food, drinks, music and celebration including the unveiling of the dock names and more!
LOCATION: 24650 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629
DATE AND TIME: 08/16/23 6:30pm - 08/16/23 8:30pm US/Pacific
Parking is available in the West Cove boater lot. Event is in the West Cove Phase 1 & 2 grass and parking lot areas near Dock Gates 8-12
Health News
From the OC Health Care Agency
The OC Health Care Agency (HCA), Communicable Disease Control Division is reporting an increase in the percentage of positive COVID-19 PCR tests in Orange County residents over the past month. To minimize the severity of the recent increase, the HCA is reminding residents to take preventative actions to reduce the risk of severe illness or hospitalization. The recent increase resembles previous seasons where the disease activity rises during both the summer and winter months. Additionally, the age distribution of recent cases follows the pattern seen over the past year with the highest rates occurring among those 0-3 years of age and 75 years and older. Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 are not currently experiencing an increase. If you recently attended a large gathering/event, traveled, or came into close contact with someone who has COVID-19, self-monitor for symptoms and get tested.
- If you are sick, stay home and get tested.
- Wearing a well-fitting mask in crowded indoor spaces has been shown to be an effective intervention at decreasing the risk of acquiring or spreading COVID-19.
- All individuals should continue to practice good cough and hand hygiene.
We strongly recommend all individuals 6 months and older stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. The current COVID-19 vaccine schedule, including for those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised, can be found here: Interim COVID-19 Immunization Schedule. To schedule a vaccine appointment, visit
Adults and Children at risk for progressing to severe COVID-19 disease should be assessed for appropriate COVID-19 treatment. For more information about COVID-19 treatment, go to
For more information on COVID-19, visit Additionally, the HCA responds to community inquiries through the Agency’s Health Referral Line at 1 (800) 564-8448, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Clinicians are advised to remain informed of updated COVID-19 guidance: Link to CDC.
E-Bike Safety
E-scooters are the future of active, green public transportation! Riding behavior and safety are top priority, especially when it comes to helmets, sidewalks and speed.
If you’re under 18, please wear a fastened helmet. It’s also important to ride only in bike lanes, bike paths and bikeways. The only exceptions are when passing, when completing a turn and when avoiding hazards.
The e-scooter speed limit is 15 mph, regardless of a roadway’s higher speed limit. Don’t ride with a passenger, on the sidewalk or without your valid driver’s license. If you’re turning, dismount and walk your scooter. Treat crosswalks like sidewalks, hop off when crossing. Like driving any motor vehicle, operate by traffic rules. Remember to equip your scooter with lights and reflectors for nighttime safety.

OCTA Free Hikes & Equestrian Rides
Orange County is home to some of the most beautiful protected wilderness areas in the country. Experience and enjoy the natural landscape with OCTA's free docent-led hikes and equestrian rides!
Lace up your hiking shoes or saddle up your horse, and sign up for a free hike or equestrian ride today. Come see Orange County as it was yesterday, and as it will be tomorrow.
OC Animal Care
 Through Kennel Connection, visitors can view ready-to-adopt pets right in their kennels every Wednesday and Saturday. No appointment needed to walk through. One-on-one visits available on a first come, first serve basis.
All Summer Long at OC Animal Care
 OC Animal Care launched its comprehensive summer initiative, All Summer Long at OC Animal Care. This program aims to connect the community with shelter animals through numerous engaging events and pilot projects.
All Summer Long at OC Animal Care offers three distinct sections, ensuring there is something for everyone, including prospective pet owners, current pet owners and those looking to get involved with the shelter.
To learn more, visit the All Summer Long at OC Animal Care page.
Pet of the Week
 Meet Pet of the Week, Jordan!
Meet Jordan, a sweet and affectionate dog who is looking for a patient and understanding family to call his own.
Jordan was very nervous upon arrival, but our staff and volunteers were patient, giving him the space and time he needed to adjust. Since his arrival, we have witnessed his tremendous growth as he has become more and more comfortable with the people that he meets. Don’t be fooled by Jordan's initially shy demeanor though! He will make the most loyal and loving companion to whoever is lucky enough to adopt him. While in our care, Jordan did well when meeting other dogs. Jordan truly enjoys going on walks and exploring new places, though he could use some leash training.
If you believe you're the perfect match for Jordan, please call (714) 935-6848 and mention Animal ID A1795034.
The office of Supervisor Katrina Foley seeks qualified candidates for the three job postings below.
The positions are based at the County Administration building in Santa Ana, with travel requirements throughout District 5.
DEADLINE EXTENDED – Our Internship program’s application deadline has been extended to August 11, 2023 at 11:59 PM PST. Please email and cc with your resume and a writing sample by that date for consideration.
OC Workforce One-Stop: OPEN NOW!
 Ready Set OC offers no-cost employment training for Orange County youth ages 14-24, including those with disabilities or IEP plans, former or current foster children, pregnant or parenting, offender/ex-offender, and those experiencing homelessness, including couch-surfing or at risk of homelessness. To find out more information, call the OC Business and Economic Recovery Call Center at (714) 480-6500 or text (657) 210-1295. Email
Tax Filing Deadline Extended to October 16, 2023
The IRS announced an extension to change the filing and payment deadlines to October 16, 2023 for victims of severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides in California. This extension applies to individuals and businesses in Orange County! Learn more here.
From the OC Treasurer
Secured Property Tax Collections Year-End Update:
As of June 30, 2023, 99.23% of secured property taxes has been received, a collection rate just slightly less than the collection rate of 99.27% received as of June 30, 2022 and just short of our record collection rate of 99.3%. For the first and second installments, 98.70% of secured property tax bills have been paid, just slightly lower than the 98.83% paid as of June 30, 2022. In addition, out of the 879,000 secured property tax bills mailed this year totaling $8.3 billion, 868,016 secured property tax bills have been paid versus 865,000 paid as of the same time last year. In addition, total payments received for both installments are up $482.8 million from the same time last year.
Financial Tip of the Week:
 You may have heard about food delivery services like DoorDash or Uber Eats: you order through a restaurant’s website or a delivery service’s mobile app and drivers deliver your food. We’re hearing about a new scam targeting food delivery drivers and restaurants.
"Scammers posing as “support” from food delivery services are contacting delivery drivers and restaurants and trying to steal their personal and financial information.Scammers posing as “support” from food delivery services are contacting delivery drivers and restaurants and trying to steal their personal and financial information.
In one scenario, the scammer tells delivery drivers and restaurants they’re sending a free tablet or printer to handle food delivery orders. To do that, they say, they need to “verify” your phone number, email and login, Social Security number and bank account to send the equipment.
In another scenario, the scammer says they need the driver’s email or bank account because there’s a problem with an order, or they want to refund them money from a canceled order. After getting the driver or restaurant owner’s email, the scammer may ask for an email verification code...which you never want to share.
If you get requests like this, no matter where you work: Stop. Here’s how to avoid the scams.
- Don’t give your personal or financial information to someone who unexpectedly calls, texts, or emails you. They may be trying to steal from you.
- If you think the request is legitimate, contact the business directly. But use a phone number you know is real or a website or app you found yourself.
- Never share an email verification code with someone if you didn’t contact them first. Scammers are after your information and money. Sharing verification codes makes it easier for them to pretend to be you. Once they’re “you,” they have access to your accounts and can take your money.
Find out what to do if you paid a scammer or gave a scammer your personal information.
And if you spot these scams, tell the FTC at When you report a scam, you help the FTC and other law enforcement agencies stop scams.
OC Waste and Recycling
Are you an Orange County resident trying to dispose of bulky items like old refrigerators and appliances but not sure how? Start by checking with your local waste hauler. Many haulers offer free bulky item pickups. For information on local haulers and recycling coordinators visit
 ⏰Time for yardwork? OC Waste and Recycling offers free compost and mulch by appointment to OC residents! Schedule a pick up appointment in Irvine or San Juan Capistrano (free compost coming to Brea soon).
🌱Capistrano Greenery in San Juan Capistrano is expanding its hours - compost is now available six days a week, Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. by appointment.
🌱Free compost is also available at the Bee Canyon Greenery in Irvine, Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. by appointment.
For more information on Capistrano Greenery in San Juan Capistrano, Bee Canyon Greenery in Irvine and Valencia Greenery in Brea, along with details on small and large quantities of compost, visit
From the Anti-Defamation League
Annual Audit of Antisemitism 2022 Each year, ADL tracks incidents of antisemitic harassment, vandalism, and assault in the US. 2023 data shows alarming increases across the board.
Hate in the Golden State Over the past two years, California has dealt with a significant increase in extremist activity driven by a variety of factors. This report will explore the range of extremist groups and movements operating in California and highlight the key extremist and antisemitic trends and incidents in the state throughout 2021 and 2022. It also includes especially noteworthy events and incidents from 2023.
ADL and GLAAD Report: Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate and Extremism Incidents, 2022-2023 Between June 2022 and April 2023, ADL and GLAAD documented at least 356 anti-LGBTQ+ extremist and non-extremist incidents motivated by hate across the United States. Incidents about anti-LGBTQ+ hate and extremism are an important part of a larger story about the heightened threats facing the LGBTQ+ community in the US today.
MILESTONE: 1 in 4 New Cars Sold in California Were Zero-Emission
From California Governor Gavin Newsom's Office
In a historic first, 1 in every 4 new cars sold last quarter in California were zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). Earlier this year, the state surpassed its goal of selling 1.5 million ZEVs – a full two years ahead of schedule.
 Learn more here.
OC Parks is Hiring!
OC Parks Ranger
Park Rangers play an important role in protecting Orange County’s 60,000 acres of parks, open space and beaches. They work hard to keep parks safe, clean and enjoyable for 15 million visitors each year. Learn more here.
OC Parks Rangers are sworn peace officers and perform a wide variety of duties at different types of facilities, including regional and wilderness parks, camping parks and beaches. Candidates will be required to participate in a written test, oral interviews and a comprehensive background investigation that includes medical and physiological examinations. Successful candidates will join a high performing team that serves our communities seven days a week.
OC Parks Maintenance Workers
The Park Maintenance Worker I position performs routine unskilled and semiskilled grounds maintenance, landscape, and facility maintenance, along with repair work.
Mesmerica - OC Planetarium Show

A local production company based out of Orange County, Mesmerica, is currently hosting a show at the OCC Planetarium! Stop by for a chance to view the extremely relaxing 3D art and family show. Check out the following link to get 15% off tickets to the show!
The Sounds of Summer
Keep your eyes peeled for our booth at concerts in the park across the district this summer!
Our first Symphony on the Go! summer concert drew a fabulous crowd to Rancho Mission Viejo! Beautiful music is one of life’s great joys, now freely accessible to Orange County residents all summer. For more info:
 Last month, Orange County officially switched over to a new benefits enrollment portal called BenefitsCal. This new website replaces the former portal, MyBenefitsCalWIN, as a new simple way for our residents to apply for, view and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance. Households interested in applying for benefits assistance can now create an account at and submit their application or link their old MyBenefitsCalWIN case to their account. For more information about BenefitsCal, including new features and capabilities, click here.
 Explore the Ocean from the Water!
Join the Ocean Institute for a 2-hour interactive kayak tour around the Dana Point harbor. Learn about the history of the harbor and its unique ecosystem from expert Naturalists. All experience levels are welcome!
Must be at least 3 years old to participate. Guests under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Learn more here.
Orange County Resources
Sign up for AlertOC to get notified in case of emergency in Orange County. The mass notification system is designed to keep Orange County residents and businesses informed in the event of a time-sensitive emergency. YOU MUST OPT IN TO RECEIVE ALERTS. Register today at this link!
Equity in OC
Are you in charge of a grassroots organization? the Equity in OC initiative is releasing a POWER BUILDING FUND to provide smaller, grassroots organizations with the opportunity to build their infrastructure and/or capacity
Learn More: Here
Committee Appointments
If you have questions or comments that you'd like to share, in relation to the committees below, please email me at