Community Members:
On February 19, 2022, Huntington Beach Police Officer and Pilot Nick Vella was killed in a police helicopter crash during a call for service in the City of Newport Beach. In coordination with the City of Huntington Beach, a memorial plaque honoring Officer Vella has been installed at the Marina Park sea wall.
Residents are invited to join us on the one-year anniversary of Officer Vella's passing, Sunday, February 19, at 10 a.m. for a ceremony and the unveiling of the memorial plaque. Members of the Huntington Beach and Newport Beach police departments will be in attendance, as well as other agencies and guests. Public parking will be available at Marina Park, 1600 W. Balboa Blvd.
City Manager, Grace K. Leung
It's time to serve up some fun this spring through activities and events with the City's Recreation and Senior Services Department!
Spring into a refreshed routine with new classes like Cheer Jump & Stunts, indoor volleyball, longboard surf clinics, and more. Registration for spring classes and camps opens Thursday, February 16 at 8 a.m.
Residents should be on the lookout for the latest print edition of the Newport Navigator arriving in their mailboxes by Valentine’s Day.
Click here to view the digital edition.
The public restrooms at Mariners Park reopened last week following City maintenance and upgrades to refresh the facility. The improvements included painting of exterior and interior surfaces and metal doors, as well as replacing older light fixtures with efficient LEDs.
These upgrades enhance the overall appearance of the building and improve energy efficiency.
On February 1, the City's General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) conducted its second joint meeting with the General Plan Update Steering Committee (GPUSC).
Two co-chairs were named for the GPAC: Arlene Greer and Jeremy Evans. The GPAC then formed subcommittees for each General Plan component, or element, based on members' areas of interest or expertise. Lastly, the GPUSC and the GPAC discussed potentially adding new elements as part of the comprehensive update, including a sustainability and resiliency element.
On Wednesday, February 15 at 6 p.m., the GPAC Land Use Element Subcommittee will hold a public meeting in the Corona del Mar conference room at City Hall, Bay 1E.
The subcommittee will receive a detailed overview of the Land Use Element’s contents, how it interacts with other elements, and how it will be used to guide the zoning overlays that are required to implement the Housing Element.
For questions or more information, email GPUpdate@newportbeachca.gov.
The 2023 Youth Track Meet of Champions will be held on Friday, March 17 at Newport Harbor High School.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make memories with friends and a chance to compete for gold! Early bird registration ends on February 17.
For more information and how to register, please click here. We hope to see you on the track!
The City is accepting applications from non-profit organizations seeking to provide eligible programs and services to the public, including fair housing services, under the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The City receives funding each year from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, which is distributed locally to non-profit programs that benefit those with low- and moderate-incomes, defined as households earning less than 80 percent of the median income in Orange County.
Applications will be accepted until 2 p.m. on Friday, February 17. For more information and to apply, visit the City's website.
The Be Well mobile crisis response team operates in Newport Beach 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to mental and behavioral health crises. The mobile unit is staffed with mental health specialists and EMTs, and works closely with the City’s police and fire departments.
This week the Be Well team:
- Collaborated with City staff to relocate a man to his hometown to obtain services and resources.
- Transported a person to the Be Well sobering station for treatment.
- Transported two people to the hospital for medical care.
- Transported six people to services, shelter intakes, and appointments.
This week the City’s homeless outreach and response teams:
- Collaborated with staff at HB Oasis, a non-congregate transitional housing facility, to support a person placed last week. HB Oasis was an older motel that was converted into transitional housing through the State’s Project Homekey initiative.
- Continued to shelter people. Seventeen people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are sheltered in the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.
- Completed the necessary forms to extend an Emergency Housing Voucher and assisted the client in applying for apartments.
Click here to view the latest homeless dashboard, which includes key monthly and yearly data on the City's homeless response.
Our next City Council meeting is Tuesday, February 14. Items of interest are highlighted below. The entire agenda and reports can be viewed here.
A study session will begin at 4 p.m.:
Ocean Boulevard visioning. The Council will hear a presentation on recommendations by the the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission regarding potential improvements to Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar. The recommendations include scenic vistas and lookout points connected by sidewalk from Poppy Avenue to Carnation Avenue. The Commission has requested that funds for designing the project be included in the City's fiscal year 2023-24 Capital Improvement Budget.
The regular meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Agenda items include:
- Appointments to committees and commissions. The Council will consider appointing nominees for vacant seats on the Finance Committee and Planning Commission.
- A potential General Plan amendment to change the land use designation for 3014 Balboa Blvd. from commercial to residential, allowing for a new residential project. The applicant is seeking to demolish an existing commercial building, now home to Sancho’s Tacos restaurant, and build a new, two-unit residential condominium development. Approval would require amendments to the General Plan, Local Coastal Program Amendment, and the Newport Beach Municipal Code.
A recommendation by the City Arts Commission of 10 sculptures and four alternates for the rotating exhibition in Civic Center Park. The sculptures were selected by a survey of residents. If approved, the Phase VIII sculptures will be installed in June and remain on display for two years.
Approval of a construction contract with Hot Line Construction, Inc. for underground utility projects in West Newport Heights and on Balboa Island. Both projects, which require special assessment districts, were approved by neighborhood residents in 2021.

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