MTC Briefing: Plan Bay Area 2050 Kickoff; Legislative Wrap-Up

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  Metropolitan Transportation Commission MTC Briefing: September/October 2019  

MTC, ABAG Invite Residents to Shape Bay Area’s Future

  MTC and ABAG invite Bay Area residents to help shape the future of the region through 2050 by providing their input at a series of “Pop-Up” events in all 9 counties. Pop-Ups are part of Plan Bay Area 2050, a 30-year roadmap charting a course for how the nine-county region will grow. More  
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MTC   Plan Bay Area 2050 Launches
Plan Bay Area 2050 is the Bay Area’s long-range plan that integrates transportation, housing, the economy and the environment. The plan starts with asking our residents to help prioritize the strategies that they think will best prepare the Bay Area for an uncertain future. See the link above for how to participate in a Pop-Up event near you. MORE
MTC   Governor Signs MTC-Supported Housing Bills
The 2019 California legislative cycle wrapped up on October 13 as Governor Newsom signed and vetoed dozens of bills, many of which will impact housing throughout the Bay Area. MTC supported 8 housing-related bills that have recently been passed into law. MORE
MTC   Barrier Installation Begins for Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Bike/Ped Path
Crews began in early October to install the moveable concrete barrier that will separate the two westbound traffic lanes on the upper deck of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge from a new bicycle/pedestrian path expected to open later this fall.
  Marin-Sonoma Narrows Groundbreaking
Early October in Petaluma saw the groundbreaking of the last segment of the Marin-Sonoma Narrows project in Sonoma County. Improvements to the U.S. 101 corridor in the North Bay are an important regional priority supported by MTC, including the Marin-Sonoma Narrows, where lanes narrow from three to two, creating bottlenecks.
  Bay Bridge Steel Repurposed for Art
Some 450 tons of steel from the old east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge were salvaged for creative reuse in public art and exhibitions throughout the state. Take a look at the first two installations, in Joshua Tree and Truckee, in this video update.
  Bay Bridge Steel Art – Now on Treasure Island
The old east span of the Bay Bridge may be gone, but artists are making sure it will never be forgotten. While the first two Bay Bridge steel art projects were located outside the region, a new project by artist Tom Loughlin brings the bridge steel back home to the Bay Area in the form of a giant steel ring on Treasure Island.
  The Bay Link  

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