Sheriff's Office Newsletter January-March 2025
Words from Sheriff Scardina
Happy New Year! Now that the calendars have turned over, I want to wish everyone a safe and happy start to a new year. As we begin 2025, I hope this newsletter helps you gain a better understanding of what the Sheriff’s Office does for our Community and how we continue to work together to make the County of Marin an amazing place to live, work and visit. As we recap our 2024, please keep an eye out for our Annual Report, which highlights the work our Department has done over the past year. This report will be coming out in the next month or so and will dive deep into each of the divisions of the Sheriff’s Office.
We are extremely grateful for your support and donations that made our annual toy drive a huge success. Due to all of your efforts we were able to provide toys to over 400 children this holiday season.
As always, I hope that you will share this newsletter with other community members to keep them informed as well about the work our amazing men and women are doing everyday.
Meet K9 Kodak!
The Sheriff's Office welcomes our newest K9, Kodak to the Department. He is a 1.5 year old Yellow Lab, who will be assigned to our Custody Division, with Deputy V. Kruzona.
This highly trained, four-legged Deputy will play a crucial role in enhancing safety, security, and efficiency within our facility.
Kodak is trained on the detection of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Heroin and Fentanyl.
Identity Theft Duo Arrested
Since September of 2024, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office has taken several reports of identity theft, fraud, and mail theft throughout Southern Marin.
Through an extensive investigation, Travis Penaluna was identified as the suspect in several of these crimes. Deputies and Detectives were able to identify two vehicles Penaluna was utilizing during these crimes. One of the vehicles was purchased in the name of a Marin County identity theft victim, through a loan that was also taken out in the victim’s name.
Read Full Story Below
Employee Spotlight
The Marin County Sheriff's Office is currently hiring Communications Dispatchers. We have a link at the bottom of the page for more information, but we want to highlight current MCSO Dispatchers who exemplify everything we are looking for in potential applicants.
Miles Sammons - Miles was hired as a dispatch trainee in July of 2024. Miles came here excited to start a new career and became a perfect fit into our team environment. Miles successfully passed his 12 weeks of Call-Taker training and has worked both day and night shifts. He has now settled in, working as part of a graveyard team where he is learning new skills and building relationships with his dispatch partners, the community, and field units. Miles' calm demeanor and professional approach has certainly assisted him in his success. |
Reina Franklin - Reina was hired as a dispatch trainee in June of 2019. Within the first 18 months of Reina’s employment with the Sheriff’s Office she successfully passed her Call-Taker and Law Radio training. The training to be successful in both disciplines' averages about 24 weeks of training. Reina’s dedication and determination to complete her training was seen and admired by many of her peers. Reina has a bright future with the Sheriff’s Office and was promoted in May of 2024 to Supervising Communications Dispatcher. Reina now uses her skills and leadership to mentor others. |
Toy Giveaway was a huge success!
The Marin County Sheriff's Office, partnering with the Marin County Fire Department hosted our annual toy drive, focusing on bringing holiday cheer to those in need. With the support from community members, we were able to collect toys at 13 different locations throughout the County of Marin. These toys were given out to children at two giveaway events: in Marin City and Pt Reyes.
This year we were able to provide toys to over 400 kids throughout the County of Marin!
It was a great opportunity for kids of all ages to receive a gift, sit with Santa and take family photos. We are forever thankful for the outpouring of support from the community who want to ensure that no child goes without a gift during the holiday season.
Power Outage Preparedness
With weather related incidents often causing power outages, being prepared is a huge part of your success getting through the outage without difficult.
Ready Seniors, a page located through ReadyMarin, is a great resource for tips related to power outages, especially if you require specialty equipment that may become disabled without traditional power supply to your home. Before the power goes out in your area, check out the link below for more information about how to ensure you and your loved ones are taken care of.
Senior Preparedness
Marin Farmers Market- Civic Center
Every Thursday 8am -1pm Marin Memorial Auditorium
Every Thursday, the Farmers Market is located at the Marin Memorial Auditorium on Civic Center Drive.
Every Sunday 8am-1pm Civic Center Parking Lot
Every Sunday, the Farmers Market is at the Civic Center, located in the parking lot near the South Archway.
Marin Center Events
Multiple shows and events
The Marin Center has various shows and events planned this quarter, ranging from comedy shows, music concerts and dance performances. Check out their website at Marin Center Events
Please follow the link below to sign up. This messaging system will be used in the event of a critical incident within the County. This database is different than other alert messaging systems and is used for high priority events only. |
(Continued from above)
Case of the Quarter
Penaluna had previously been convicted federally for similar crimes and had a Federal Warrant for his arrest after absconding from a rehabilitation program. Detectives also identified Penaluna’s girlfriend who was assisting him with these crimes as Christina Taylor. Taylor was on CA State Parole and had a Parolee at Large warrant.
On 11/4/2024 Detectives were able to locate Penaluna and Taylor at a hotel in Vallejo. With the assistance of the US Marshals arrested Penaluna and Taylor. A search of their hotel room was conducted. Numerous items related to identity theft, fraud, and forgery were located including stolen mail, checks, identity items, blank check stock, and card printers. Additionally, a loaded unregistered firearm and narcotics were located in the hotel room.
Penaluna was booked into the Marin County jail for Possession of Stolen Property, Burglary, Possession of a Controlled Substance While Armed, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Felon in Possession of Ammunition, Make Fictitious Checks, Grand Theft Auto, Obtain Credit with Another’s ID, Carry Loaded Firearm, Possession of Burglary Tools, and Conspiracy to Commit a Crime.
Taylor was booked into the Marin County Jail for Possession of Stolen Property, Burglary, Obtain Credit with Another’s ID, Possession of Narcotics Paraphernalia, Possession of a Switchblade, and Conspiracy to Commit a Crime.
Sign up for Quarterly Newsletter
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The Marin County Sheriff's Office is Hiring!
We currently have openings for sworn and non-sworn positions. Members of our Professional Standards Unit can help set up a ride-along or tour of the Jail, Communications Center and more for applicants. Click the link below for more details about current openings!
Stay in contact with us
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Non-Emergency Line
In an emergency, call