As a retired CalSTRS member, you have access to our services and resources. Learn how to continue making the most of your CalSTRS membership by attending these workshops during the Retired Educator Event.
Join us at your local CalSTRS member service center to attend in person, meet with your local CalRTA Representative and hear from other retired CalSTRS members.
Retired Educator: Learn and Discover
Wednesday, November 15 at 10:30 a.m.
As a CalSTRS retired educator, you have access to valuable CalSTRS tools and resources. Register to learn when you can work without affecting your CalSTRS retirement benefit, how the federal required minimum distribution may affect you, and more.
myCalSTRS: Discover What You Can Do
Wednesday, November 15 at 2:30 p.m.
With your myCalSTRS account, you can change your address and income tax withholdings, view and print your benefit statements and 1099-R forms, manage your direct deposit account and update your one-time death benefit recipient. Attend this workshop to learn more about your myCalSTRS account.
More information
Advance registration is required. Please call 800-228-5453 and select option 3.