Dear Neighbor,
As the start of the school year approaches for students throughout our district, it's a good reminder to discuss that words matter and that we have the power to stand up to hate - not just in our schools but in every part of our community and everyday interactions with others.
I recently joined Triston Ezidore, Vice President of the Culver City Unified School Board, Robin Toma with LA County's Human Relations Commission, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, Culver City Councilmember Fred Puza, LA County Superintendent Debra Durado, and many residents and community partners to denounce hate in response to anti-Black and anti-LGBTQ+ graffiti on a local elementary school.
Together, this coalition of students, residents, and community leaders exemplified our strength in our diversity and reaffirmed the power each person has in helping create an LA County where everyone can safely be their authentic selves.
We understand that hate is a learned behavior that often begins at home, which is why we all share the responsibility to make it unequivocally clear that no form of hate will be accepted in our homes, schools, or any part of our community.
Join me and countless others who are proud to be part of LA County's LA vs. Hate Initiative. To access the LA vs. Hate School Toolkit, click here: lavshate.org/partner-toolkits. For other helpful resources and to report a hate crime, visit LAvsHate.org or call 2-1-1.
Sincerely, Holly J. Mitchell Supervisor, Second District Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
 Mitchell Memo Content
Addressing Homelessness - 1 Year Anniversary of LA County’s Pathway Home Encampment Resolutions Program |
This month marked one year since LA County's Homeless Initiative launched Pathway Home, a countywide encampment resolution program in our unincorporated Lennox-Hawthorne community, where we worked with Caltrans to house people under the 405 freeway. In one year, LA County's Pathway Home program has connected over 700 people to interim housing and removed over 450 RVs. This program is successful thanks to partnerships between county departments, Los Angeles Homelessness Services Authority, St. Joseph Center, and countless community organizations working to get our residents housed. So far, in the 2nd District, Pathway Home has connected over 296 residents to interim housing and removed over 100 RVs.
LA County's Pathway Home helps break the cycle of homelessness by putting our unhoused family, friends, and neighbors on a journey toward permanent housing stability. Pathway Home is one critical component of the County's comprehensive response to the homelessness crisis. To learn more and for the latest updates from LA County's Homeless Initiative, visit: homeless.lacounty.gov/.
Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline - Amending the Agreements for School Law Enforcement
The Board recently approved my motion with Supervisor Solis to amend the LA County Sheriff Department's contract at schools to include critical recommendations from the Office of Inspector General to provide more robust safeguards and protections for students. A few examples include prohibiting the use of handcuffs and zip-ties unless there is an imminent threat of violence; prohibiting the removal of a student from campus unless there is a warrant, court order, or if the student poses an immediate threat; restating state law which does not authorize the use of chokeholds; and creating a complaint process to report incidents of possible misconduct by Sheriff Deputies. Each school district will continue to decide whether to contract for Sheriff's Department services. To learn more, read the LA Public Press article here: lapublicpress.org/2024/08/lasd-school-resource-contract-la-county-limit/. |
Clear the Shelters Month - Adopt a Pet! |
Team Mitchell kicked off Clear the Shelters Month with a Summer Love Adoption event in Carson where 30 cats and dogs found their forever home. Our shelters are overcrowded, and our animals need loving homes to go to. From now until September 10, adoption fees at LA County animal care centers will be reduced to $10 for all dogs and cats. Thank you to Carson Animal Shelter for co-hosting this event and to the Department of Animal Care and Control, Old Blue Inc., and all the vendor participants that provided resources to support pet owners. To learn more about the pet adoption process visit animalcare.lacounty.gov. |
Take Metro to LA County Pools |
Looking for a way to cool off and have fun in the sun? You can take the Metro Blue Line to five County pools and parks. The Rosa Parks Station takes you to Mona Park and George Washington Carver Park, 103rd Street station takes you to Ted Watkins Pool, the Firestone Station takes you to Krejci Pool, Florence Station takes you to Roosevelt Park and the Slauson Station will take you to Mary Bethune Park. For more information about LA County pools near you visit parks.lacounty.gov/swimming/. |
Back-to-School Resources for Students |
Team Mitchell recently participated in Back-to-School events throughout the 2nd District and co-hosted our own event that had nearly 1,000 attendees with the Department of Parks & Recreation, Gardena High School's Corazones United Student Organization, and Willowbrook Art Hop to close out the final day of Summer Parks After Dark at Earvin Magic Johnson Park. A special thanks to all the organizations that donated giveaway items, including Delete the Divide, which gave away 50 laptops, South Bay Bicycle Coalition+, Veteran Peer Access Network, and East Side Riders Bike Club.
The Los Angeles County Office of Education has a great podcast, “Let Me Add to That” - featuring education experts, partners, and students. Check out the latest Back to School episode, here: lacoe.edu/about/newsroom/podcast.
Meeting with Coro Fellows |
As a Coro alum, I appreciate sharing my experience with the next generation of Coro leaders. My team recently met with the latest Coro Youth Fellows cohort of high school seniors and juniors to answer their questions and share the work we do every day to serve LA County’s 2nd District. I’m excited to see this group of fellows continuing to succeed and create an impact in their communities. To learn more about the Coro Youth Fellows Program visit, corola.org/yfp/. |
National Night Out in the 2nd District |
This week, Team Mitchell attended National Night Out events throughout the district from Culver City with District Attorney Gascón to Florence-Firestone with Sheriff Luna. For 40 years, National Night Out has provided opportunities for residents to connect directly with the representatives sworn to protect and serve their communities. Thank you to all the county departments that provided resources and services on-site and to our sworn deputies and officers who are committed to building relationships within the communities they serve and helping to protect the safety of all our residents. |
Parent Partners have successfully navigated the system and are now available through the Parents in Partnership Program to provide support, information, and mentorship to parents with an open DCFS case. To connect with a parent partner, visit: http://bit.ly/37qNUIf. |
The JCOD Incubation Academy aims to engage and enroll Los Angeles County grassroots non-profit organizations, especially those with BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or justice-involved leadership, that have historically been providing services to justice-involved people but have faced challenges obtaining government contracts and funding. The program seeks to build the capacity of these organizations and equip them with the best practices in non-profit management through 15 weeks of virtual training sessions and a year of support in the form of technical assistance and peer advising.
To be considered for the 7th cohort of the JCOD Incubation Academy, please submit your application by August 15, 2024, here: surveymonkey.com/r/6PW6NDP. If you have any questions or need assistance completing the application, please email Katy Serrano at IncubationAcademy@jcod.lacounty.gov.
Every year talented performers and musicians from across the County participate in the annual LA County Holiday Celebration at The Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Applications are now open until Tuesday, August 13 to apply to be part of this year’s celebration. Participants will have the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience and on PBS SoCal this Christmas Eve!
Learn more and apply here: bit.ly/4ct1z2t
The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture launched the next phase of their Public Artists in Development (PAiD) program to host free online workshops to support artists’ career development. These workshops will cover a variety of topics from portfolio presentation, contracting, budgeting and more, and will be presented by diverse facilitators, including established public artists, administrators, and subject area experts. The first cycle of workshops will run through October 2, 2024. All artists are welcome to attend. For more information, visit lacountyarts.org.
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) announced the release of the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Bond Act of 2024: Program Round 1, Launch Ready Request for Applications (RFA). Through this RFA, DHCS will award up to $3.3 billion in grant funds to eligible entities. Eligible entities may apply and receive funding to construct, acquire, and rehabilitate real estate assets in behavioral health settings that serve Medi-Cal members. Go to Bond BHCIP Round 1: Launch Ready RFA to learn more and apply. The application deadline is December 13, 2024.
Ready to buy your first home? The Greenline Home Program provides a $35,000 grant for down payment or closing cost assistance to help first-time homebuyers in LA County. This initiative aims to support economically marginalized communities impacted by redlining. For more information on the Greenline Home Program, visit dcba.lacounty.gov/greenline/.
Restaurant Meals is a CalFresh Program that allows eligible individuals to use their Golden State Advantage (EBT) card to purchase prepared meals from participating restaurants. The program is available to people experiencing homelessness, elderly (60+), those disabled and their spouses. To use the program, find participating restaurants displaying the Restaurant Meals sign, use your EBT card to purchase meals, and receive a receipt showing the cost and your EBT balance. For more information, visit dpss.lacounty.gov/en/food/meals.html.
To access additional information on upcoming community resources and events related to education, health, housing, workforce development and more, click here.
Now - August 25
August is Black Business Month! Celebrate by joining Prosperity Market’s 4th annual Black Business Scavenger Hunt and explore LA, discover incredible businesses, and win fun prizes! Play along all month by visiting participating scavenger hunt businesses. Earn points for each business you visit, and bonus points for making a purchase. The Scavenger Hunt culminates at the Black Business Month Pop-up Market and Block Party on Sun, September 1 at Hilltop Coffee + Kitchen on Slauson, where winners will receive their prizes. Text #BBSH24 to (323)417-0465 to enter! Find full details at blackbusinessscavengerhunt.com/
August 10 - August 31
Dockweiler Youth Center 12505 Vista Del Mar Playa Del Rey, CA 90293
Join LA County's Fire Department Lifeguard Division and the Women's Fire League every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. for Ocean Safety Days. Your child will learn vital ocean safety skills and improve their knowledge and confidence to enjoy the beach. This is a free program open to all youth 9 years and older.
Wed, August 14 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m
Via Zoom
Join the LA County Department of Aging & Disabilities and experts for the first of an ongoing webinar series to discuss Cerebral Palsy in Los Angeles County. This session is designed to shed light on various aspects of cerebral palsy and discuss the resources now available to our community.
Thurs, August 15 | 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Lennox Park 10828 Condon Avenue Lennox, CA 90304
Join us for our 3rd Annual Night at the Park event at Lennox Park. There will be a free concert, food, resource fair, a youth soccer clinic, and a 4v4 futsal indoor soccer tournament!
Sat, August 17 | 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
LA Care Community Resource Center 2864 West Imperial Highway Inglewood, CA 90303
The Community Resource Center in Inglewood will host a FREE school supplies and backpack giveaway for students. One backpack per student, while supplies last. Ages 3 years old and up. A limited quantity may be available for students who are not present. For information, visit communityresourcecenterla.org or call (310) 330-3130.
Sat, August 24 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Stoneview Nature Center 5950 Stoneview Drive Culver City, CA 90232
The LA County Department of Public Works is hosting a FREE smart gardening workshop. Come learn about backyard and worm composting, water conservation, grasscycling, and edible gardening. This event is open to all, no reservations needed.
Mondays | 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Burton Chace Park 13650 Mindanao Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292
To reserve a spot, send an email to chacepark@bh.lacounty.gov.
Fridays | 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Dockweiler Youth Center 12505 Vista del Mar Playa del Rey, CA 90293
To reserve a spot, send an email to dyc@bh.lacounty.gov.
Learn the fundamentals of yoga with Master Yogi David Lilly in a friendly and supportive environment. The program is aimed at improving flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.
 August is Transgender History Month! We celebrate the transgender community’s achievements & their resilience that has shaped history. Let us continue to push for progress that is intersectional and inclusive and stand up to transphobia and hate in all forms. Sign up to receive emails from #LACounty’s LGBTQ+ Commission to see how the county is committed to making a positive impact on the LGBTQ+ Community: bit.ly/3WAQpBX.
Board of Supervisors Public Meeting Updates
The Board of Supervisors (BOS) meets every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., except on Tuesdays following a Monday holiday when meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. The next meeting is on Tuesday, August 13. All public Board meetings can be viewed live at: http://bos.lacounty.gov/Board-Meeting/Live-Broadcast.
This Week on Social Media
Be sure to follow the Office of Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell on Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Threads to get the latest updates, resources, and events happening in the Second District!
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