During RPOSD’s annual staff retreat in September, we had the opportunity to witness the power of second chances and the transformative impact of job skill development at Reignite Hope. The nonprofit organization offers free welding training and certification, job skills education, and job placement to veterans and unemployed individuals, especially those with transportation challenges or recently incarcerated. In February 2023, RPOSD awarded Reignite Hope a $1.2 million Youth and Veteran Job Training and Placement grant to expand their mobile training program to Lawndale. We visited their main facility in Gardena, where they have 15 state-of-the-art welding stations and a 30-seat classroom, but the organization’s vision extends beyond the 6,000-square-foot facility. Reignite Hope built a mobile training center to be more accessible and hope to provide 4-6 more mobile training centers in high-need communities over the next few years. The mobile classrooms are created by retrofitting an 18-wheeler trailer equipped with welding stations and a 16-seat classroom to train and educate approximately 250 disadvantaged young adults and veterans. Graduates from their program will be well-equipped and ready to embark on a career in parks and recreation. Thank you, Reignite Hope for showing us what you do and continuing to ignite hope and empower lives in the County. Stay tuned for further updates as we collaborate with more organizations like Reignite Hope to make a meaningful difference in the County.
RPOSD staff with Reignite Hope founder Steve Bunyard.
What's the Citizens Oversight Advisory Board?
The Citizens Oversight Advisory Board (Advisory Board) was created as a requirement of Measure A, pursuant to Section 7: Community Oversight and Accountability of the Resolution. The Advisory Board's primary role is to ensure that allocations and expenditures of Measure A funds are aligned with the purposes outlined in the Resolution.
Who's on the Advisory Board?
The Advisory Board comprises of five members appointed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (BOS). The Advisory Board Members (Board Members) each represent one of the five Supervisorial Districts within the County and possess expertise in parks, park development, financial transactions evaluation, and program cost-effectiveness. Each member serves a four-year term at the discretion of the BOS, with a limit of two consecutive terms. In the event of a vacancy during a member's term, the BOS takes on the responsibility of appointing a successor to complete the remaining term.
Currently, the Advisory Board comprises of the following appointed members:
The next meeting is scheduled for
6:00 p.m. on October 18, 2023.
The agenda is posted at the meeting location and on our website: https://rposd.lacounty.gov/advisory-board/.
The quarterly meetings are opportunities for public members to address the Advisory Board regarding any items of interest that are within the Advisory Board's jurisdiction.
RPOSD encourages all to attend. Public members have the option to attend in person or virtually.
On-Site Information
Address: 1000 S. Fremont Ave Unit #40 Building A-9 East Ground Floor Alhambra, CA 91803
Room: Ground Floor Conference Room G-101
Microsoft Teams Meeting Information
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 263 147 580 835
Passcode: L6R3Fg
Or call in (audio only) +1 323-776-6996,135968755# United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 951 668 746#
Public comments can be submitted prior to the meeting via email to info@rposd.lacounty.gov or online using the form on the Advisory Board webpage. Written public comment must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting.
The updated Grants Administration Manual (GAM) will be released in the coming weeks. Please check the website for additional details.
The latest balances for Measure A Annual Allocations and Maintenance & Servicing, including funding for 2023 that is based on the 2020 US Census, was shared on September 15, 2023.
Annual Allocations and Monthly Balance Report
Annual Allocations for Maintenance & Servicing and Monthly Balance Report
December 27, 2023 at 12:00 P.M. (noon)
Agencies that own or manage a park in Los Angeles County must update their park inventory data annually as an eligibility requirement to receive funds and remain in Good Standing with RPOSD.
For instructions on how to use the LA Parks Portal, please review the How to Use Guide or email questions to info@laparksportal.org.
Seven TAP-eligible cities have been issued Notices to Proceed to hire consultants to conduct pre-acquisition services to increase park acreage in their cities. Two of those cities have already selected their consultants and are getting their projects underway:
City of Carson is increasing park acreage at Carriage Park and is using TAP funds for project and construction management.
City of San Fernando is conducting a vacant land inventory and will conduct community outreach and engagement to get community input on design.
Brown Bag Lunch Series
TAP hosted a second Brown Bag Lunch presentation on August 29, 2023, featuring Pam Yugar, Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Pico Rivera. Ms. Yugar spoke on how she and her team secured funding for park projects and incorporated the community’s needs and preferences into the design elements as Pico Rivera developed and improved outdoor recreation opportunities in their city. Ms. Yugar also addressed the successes and challenges of park development and provided listeners best practices as they venture on their journey to develop new park land and open spaces in their cities.
We look forward to sharing more TAP updates in the future.
"After visiting the Virginia Robinson Gardens with RPOSD staff, I shared photos with my daughter, sparking her interest. This led to planning a trip to the “Westside.” The tour fascinated my children, and they learned about the first mansion in Beverly Hills, who lived there, and were curious about the possibility of ghosts on the property. The furnishings intrigued them, including the old-fashioned rotary telephone that they considered “so old school.” My husband, who has a green thumb and is a landscaping enthusiast, loved the Great Lawn and the meticulously manicured gardens. My family was in awe at the size of the home and loved the waterfall and children’s area near the palm garden. I hope that when my children grow up, they can remember these fun family outings and that the love of nature continues to grow within them." - Marybeth
Thank you for sharing your Park Story!
Do you have a story or memory about visiting a park or the outdoors?
We would love to hear your park story! Share your story with a photo and your story may be featured on our newsletter and website!