LADA Joins County's Anti-Racism Initiative
As part of a countywide initiative, LADA is taking a deeper look into how the work of the office impacts the community.
Seven prosecutors are participating in the county’s Anti-Racism, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (ARDI), which will guide and increase the county’s commitment to fighting racism and bolstering inclusivity.
“The work that we do intersects with mental health issues and economic justice in terms of jobs people can get after their incarceration,” said Deputy District Attorney Kim Toney. “It affects housing, education. What we do has broader implications.”
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Learn About Mental Health Diversion
 What is mental health diversion? Why do some individuals charged with crimes qualify for mental health treatment instead of jail? How does the process work?
Special Advisor Alisa Blair and Gilbert Wright, head deputy district attorney of the Mental Health Division, break down mental health diversion and how it can help individuals get needed treatment. Click here to watch.
District Attorney Gascón Joins Court Filing in Support of Overdose Prevention Sites
District Attorney George Gascón has joined 80 justice system and law enforcement leaders in filing an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court not to criminalize overdose prevention sites.
In the filing, the criminal justice leaders note that overdose prevention sites help save lives and alleviate the adverse effects of substance use disorders and the ongoing overdose epidemic that has devastated communities. More than 70,000 people died from drug-related overdoses in 2019 and those numbers have worsened during the pandemic.
The brief, filed on Sept. 17, was organized by Fair and Just Prosecution, a network of prosecutors committed to promoting a justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion and fiscal responsibility.
To learn more, click here. For a copy of the brief, click here.
Paralegal Takes Oath To Practice Law
 Congratulations to Paralegal Edward Kyle, who was sworn in as a California lawyer by District Attorney George Gascón at a ceremony earlier this month. Kyle has worked in the office for 13 years, most recently in the Writs and Appeals Division.
COVID Shields Installed at Offices
 Dedicated employees from LADA’s Property Management and Support Services Division visited more than 30 offices countywide to prepare and install at least 900 tempered glass and plexiglass partitions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Above, Analyst Tom Thai installs a protective partition at the Long Beach Branch Office.
 District Attorney George Gascón joined Los Angeles City Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas, left, and his wife, Avis, at the opening of the Avis & Mark Ridley-Thomas Wellness Center in South Los Angeles on Sept. 16. The new 10,000-square-foot facility will provide trauma-informed mental health services and support resources for people from ages 16 to 25.
 Crime victims, their relatives and witnesses who testified against an individual in state custody may register for notifications of parole hearings, the scheduled release or the escape of the individual. Victim services representatives with LADA are available to assist crime victims and their relatives with registering for notifications. For the Bureau of Victim Services, call 1-800-380-3811. To learn more, visit
 In the Work-at-Home Scam, a job listing may actually be a search for unsuspecting partners in crime. Victims may be directed to cash fraudulent checks, transfer illegally obtained funds or reship stolen merchandise. Protect yourself by following the tips listed above.