Multicultural Friday - Ready to Share Social Content


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Multilingual Ready to Share Content

March 12, 2021

Dear Community and Communication Partners,

The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 to meet the multicultural & linguistic needs of our County's most diverse communities.

We hope you will download, copy, paste and share the ready-to-use social content below to promote important messaging through the weekend on your social media platforms, newsletters and in other communications.

Video Spotlight: Equitable Vaccination Model for Hard to Reach Communities

Vaccine Equity

Mobile clinics prove valuable in the County's efforts to facilitate equitable access to vaccines. Learn more at: #FlexYourDefense

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Now Vaccinating


English: New sectors are now eligible for a free COVID-19 vaccine: Food & Agriculture, Education & Childcare, and Emergency Services. For more information, visit (Graphic)

Spanish: Los nuevos sectores ahora son elegibles para una vacuna COVID-19 gratuita. Alimentos y Agricultura Educación y Cuidado Infantil Servicios de Emergencia Para más información, visite (Graphic)

Chinese: 新的行業現在有資格獲得免費的COVID-19疫苗。 食品與農業 教育和兒童保育 緊急服務 有關更多資訊,請瀏覽。(Graphic)

Korean: 새로운 집단은 이제 무료 COVID-19 백신을 맞을 수 있습니다. 식품 및 농업 교육 및 보육 응급 서비스 자세한 내용은 를 참조하십시오. (Graphic)

Remember: Mask Up When Going Out

English: Stepping out for essentials? Don't forget to mask up! (Graphic)

Spanish:¿De salida por lo esencial? ¡No olvides ponerte la mascarilla! (Graphic)

Chinese: 要出外購買必需品嗎?別忘了戴上口罩! (Graphic)

Korean: 필수적인 이유로 나가십니까? 마스크 착용을 잊지마세요! (Graphic)

Leaving home AR

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Locate and Access Free Wifi Near You


English: Need wi-fi? We can help you get connected. Locate and access free internet spots by visiting (Graphic)

Spanish: ¿Necesitas wi-fi? Podemos ayudarlo a conectarse. Localice y acceda a sitios de Internet gratuitos visitando (Graphic)

Chinese: 需要Wi-Fi嗎? 我們可以幫您連接。 通過瀏覽 尋找並使用互聯網站點 (Graphic)

Korean: Wi-Fi가 필요 하신가요? 연결하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. findwifi.lacounty.gov를 방문하여 무료 인터넷 장소를 찾고 이용하십시오. (Graphic)

COVID-19: Tenants and Landlords

Eviction Moratorium

English: Questions about LA County's eviction moratorium? Here's everything you need to know: (Graphic)

Spanish: ¿Preguntas sobre la moratoria de desalojo del Condado de LA? Aquí está todo lo que necesita saber: (Graphic)

Chinese: 對LA縣暫緩驅逐令有疑問嗎? 這是您需要了解的所有信息 (Graphic)

Korean: LA 카운티 퇴거명령 유예에 대한 질문이 있으십니까? 여기 알아야 할 모든 것이 있습니다: (Graphic)

Incident Report

Today’s Incident Report is in the process of being finalized and will be posted on the Incident Report section of the County’s COVID-19 site when complete. Please note, that the reports are posted by date and can be accessed at

Additional Resources

Access our our NEW Social Media Toolkit here!

The County of Los Angeles appreciates your continued partnership in responding to COVID-19 questions and needs of residents. For additional information, please visit: