The County of Los Angeles is regularly updating resources on COVID-19 and offers today's update in an effort to keep you and yours informed. Please share the following up-to-date information:
What Do Face Coverings Do?
 Before we talk about the power of a face covering, we should start by mentioning what we've learned about COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. We know that COVID-19 mainly spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets (produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, sings, or raises their voice). These droplets can land in the eyes, mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
We've also learned that MANY people who are infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic (have no symptoms). We can’t tell, by just looking at them, whether they’re infected or not.
So, What Do Face Coverings Do?
Significant emerging evidence from clinical and laboratory studies show masks reduce the spray of microscopic respiratory droplets when worn over the nose and mouth. This is called source control.
A face covering, as seen in the above graphic, limits the spread of respiratory droplets from every person wearing a face covering that fits snugly over their mouth AND nose. The simple piece of fabric stops many of your respiratory droplets from reaching those around you.
Because we have no way of knowing if we (or those around us) are infected with COVID-19, the best strategy is to ALWAYS wear a face covering when around people that aren't part of your household, and to ask that those around you wear a face covering as well.
Face coverings can feel uncomfortable, but they really do protect us all. And while we look forward to a time when we don't have to wear them - we're not there yet.
Don't forget: 1) Masks should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance; 2) Masks with exhalation valves (or vents) should NOT be worn to help prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading COVID-19 to others; and 3) Adhere to the modifications and restrictions that are working to get us back to slowing the spread again.
We've Expanded Access to Testing
 We continue to expand testing capacity at current sites across the County. If you think you need testing, contact your provider. If you don't have one, don't worry. Dial 2-1-1 and we'll connect you to one. Remember, all County and City-operated sites continue to prioritize testing for :
- Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms;
- Those working or living in high-risk places such as skilled nursing facilities, group homes and residential care facilities;
- Individuals experiencing homelessness; and
- People who were in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
For more information on testing criteria, click here. You can also read today's press release on expanded testing capacity at LA County-supported sites.
ICYMI: Protocols for Child Care & Extended Day Programs
 As County students, families, educators and care providers navigate the beginning of a new school year, LA County recognizes that extended day programs for school-aged children are an essential piece of the puzzle for working parents. These programs provide essential enrichment activities, and help children stay healthy while socializing with their peers in the periods before and after school.
To help get virtual learning started on the right foot, LA County's Department of Public Health (DPH) developed protocols for early childhood education, childcare programs for school-aged children, and day camps. Protocols issued earlier this week include the following highlights:
- Childcare centers may now have more students per class (increased from 10 to 12)
- Childcare programs can now offer physical activity & academic enrichment activities before, during and after the normal school day.
- Extended day programs will now have to follow similar rules as childcare & day camps:
- staff and students are required to maintain a safe physical distance;
- wear cloth face coverings while they are together; and
- staff and students will be screened before the start of activities each day, and will need to take detailed actions if anyone in the program develops COVID-19 symptoms.
LA County continues to urge residents to wear masks, socially distance from people you don't live with, and wash hands regularly, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. In-person learning for students in TK-12 can not take place until LA County's case rate drops to 200 cases per 100,000 population, per State guidance.
Learning Together Safely
To help children get back to school, and parents back to work, LA County will be sharing regular content on resources and support for distance learning. County students, parents, educators, child care providers, or administrators are invited to read and share what you see here to ensure we are all "learning together safely" during the COVID-19 crisis.
Heard of the COVID-19 Education Response Fund?
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Greater LA Education Foundation (Greater LA) has established the COVID-19 Education Response Fund to coordinate community, business and philanthropic resources in support of the LA County Office of Education (LACOE) and the immediate (and evolving) needs of school districts - and families.
To learn more about this effort or to contribute to the fund, visit
How to Apply to Superintendent Duardo's Student Advisory Council
Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE) Superintendent Debra Duardo has launched an advisory council! The new LA County Superintendent of Schools Student Advisory Council will involve 25 diverse high school students from districts countywide - to bring the views of students into conversations and decision-making about public education.
Students are currently being recruited to apply to serve on the advisory council. The group will meet virtually on a quarterly basis beginning in Fall 2020. Interested students will need to:
- Complete an online Student Application Form.
- Have a teacher, administrator or certificated school staff member submit an online Recommendation Form.
- Show they have the permission of their parent/guardian to participate.
Applications & forms are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, Aug. 28.
Help spread the word! LACOE has developed a communications toolkit (with graphics, e-blasts and social media posts) to share information with students, staff and families. View the toolkit here. If you have questions, e-mail
Great Plates Delivered... to a Senior Near You.

LA County's Great Plates Delivered can help a local senior or business in your community. The meal assistance program offers eligible seniors with three (3) home-delivered meals a day. Seniors over 65, seniors 60-64 years of age who have been diagnosed or exposed to COVID-19 or those at high-risk for COVID-19 may qualify. When you help a senior connect to Great Plates Delivered you're also helping your local restaurant, hospitality and transportation community get back to work.
To learn more or apply to this program before September 9th, click here.
COVID-19 Digital Communications Guide & Toolkit
View our updated COVID-19 Digital Communications Guide, and get tips on Best Practices, Do's and Don'ts, Key Messaging, and our Social Media Toolkit - with multi-lingual graphics and messages like the ones seen below.
Access our Social Media Toolkit here.
Are you having trouble paying rent? LA County COVID-19 Rent Relief is here to help renters and property owners! Applications are open from August 17 to 31 at or by calling 2-1-1.
S Chinese: 你支付房租有困难吗?洛杉矶县COVID-19租金减免计划为租房者和业主提供帮助!申请开放时间为8月17日至31日,可登录申请报名,或拨打2-1-1报名。
Korean:집세를내는 데 문제가 있습니까? LA 카운티 COVID-19 Rent Relief는 임차인과 부동산 소유주를 돕기 위해 여기에 있습니다! 신청서는 8 월 17 일부터 31 일까지에서 또는 2-1-1로 전화하여 접수됩니다.
Spanish: ¿Tienes problemas para pagar el alquiler? ¡El subsidio de alquileres por el COVID-19 del condado de Los Ángeles se encuentra disponible para ayudar a los inquilinos y los propietarios de inmuebles! Las aplicaciones se encontrarán disponibles desde el 17 hasta el 31 de agosto en o llamando al 2-1-1.
Additional Information
The County of Los Angeles appreciates your continued partnership in responding to COVID-19 questions and needs of residents. For additional information, please visit: